
The fact of the matter is the electoral college isn’t a democracy and was never meant to be one.

This situation is *exactly* the reason the Founders created the Electoral College in the first place. And honestly, if a candidate as manifestly unqualified as Trump doesn’t trigger the EC into action, then it basically has no reason to continue to exist ...

I say let him keep racing. He’s got a Rosie future.

It’s like they always say, “you can never go home again, but I guess you can shop there.”

This reminds me of my 20th HS reunion. I was just working on getting out of government contracting at the time and anyway, tldr version is I had to kill a french hitman in hand to hand combat while at the same time, resolving emotional conflict with my ex girlfriend who I abandoned and haven’t seen since prom night.

This. I have been a Warriors fan for 30+ years, and 99% of my experience has been disappointment and heartbreak, I am more than used to it. Losing in the Finals up 3-1 is still the second best thing that’s ever happened to us.

I know a lot of Warriors fans, living in Northern California, and they aren’t that devastated or get all angry or sad when 3-1 is brought up. They just shrug and like, “yep”. I think this is the kind of burn that is better directed at the players.

Yep. The message was loud and clear in ‘08 when she lost to Obama. The DNC didn’t listen. Now we’re all paying the price of that arrogance.

Despite an 8 year head start and tens of millions of dollars behind, Obama out-campaigned her, out-fund raised her, and out-organized her. He was a nobody and she was the biggest name in politics. 100 days later he was the nominee.

Oh please. She had a massive war chest, tons of endorsements and a huge lead in the polls. The nomination was a lay up. Then a nobody junior senator came out of nowhere and rolled her.

Don’t forget Bob Dole dammit. He’s the poster child of entitled candidates who insist it’s their turn.

Apparently it was their turn to be stupid after the Rs did the same thing with both McCain and Romney -- two also-rans in previous attempts to win the nomination who apparently won later because “it was their time”. 

For the life of me I’ll never understand why the democrats cleared the decks to anoint a candidate who had already failed miserably in 2008 and who revealed herself to be isolated and utterly out of touch with the electorate.

They bear some blame, but maybe people should have listened when the polls showed Bernie running better against Trump than Clinton did.

So that’s what happened to Peter Gammons

Velocity isn’t the first thing to go when a pitcher is tired. Command is.

Equally as important, in a perverse way, is that by opening up such a huge lead early on, the Cubs allowed Andrew Miller to completely sit this one out, so they’re likely dealing with 9 innings of Kluber/Miller. Good luck with that.

Who the hell runs victory formation out of shotgun?

She does a great impression of Lewinsky in that pic

I for one am shocked that Dusty Baker had problems with deciding on taking a starting pitcher out in the playoffs.