
That’s what I like to call the J.K. Rowling Effect (here’s hoping the internet picks that up). When I was a kid, I loved Harry Potter, and used to dream about what a North American school of wizardry would look like. Then she released her history of North American magic, and it was awful. Insensitive, yes, but also

.... what in fuck’s name does this have to do with the article?

I believe you’ve accidentally gotten on to a Deadspin site; Yahoo! commentary is on

These uniforms are glorious

It’s not everyday that you knock your opponent out, and you both still are losers.

You don’t hear DMX rap about it.

Riiiight, because up until this dipshit decided to sit down I had never heard of this thing called “racism”.

We are not discussing the problem of police brutality and racial profiling here. We are discussing the usefulness of Kaepernick’s protest. I feel like this protest only drives the wedge deeper. I feel like this does nothing to bring people together. He has every right to do it. But it adds nothing in terms of offering

Wouldn’t we rather engage the probelm and lift up like Carmelo Anthony is trying to do? Kaepernick doesn’t add anything useful here. He only takes away. I am much more interested in Mr. Anthony’s dialog than Mr. Kaepernick’s.

Your comment might be a shrug-emoji, but I think you’ve hit on a lot of the complexities of this case. While the scrutiny of Semenya may not be about fairness, I think we can use fairness as a lens to decide where she should compete.

I’ve disliked a lot of what I’ve read about Semenya, and this piece provides a good counter-weight, but Semenya’s circumstance really does trip over a lot of hidden faultlines in how we think about gender and how we think about sports.

This is a complicated and fraught topic, one that deserves a more thoughtful take than the one offered by Ms. Moskovitz. This is not about some cruel effort by men to define and control women’s bodies, as she glibly asserts. It’s about trying to create an environment where women have a chance to compete and succeed,

Say what you want about Georgios Papagiannis, but he did a hell of a great job raising Webster after his parents were killed.

If it is one of Curry’s teammates, the hot take seems obvious: “Warriors - NBA Champions 2015-16". I think Curry and all the Warriors fans can live with that.

Alternate theory. Maybe Oklahoma City just kicked Golden State’s ass 101-108 tonight.

It’s just you. Anything else?

And tech bros. fuck the tech bros!

NorCal has as much to do with the Kardashians as SoCal does with The Sharks and the Warriors.

25 years of waiting. I actually worked with the city of San Jose when I was in college when the Sharks came into existence. Some of the same people I worked with are still working for the Sharks. Had season tickets for 6 years with my father before he passed away. Our season ticket rep sent a huge flower arrangement

So sweet...