Wasn’t Rand Paul supposed to be the “true Libertarian” in the Republican Party?
Wasn’t Rand Paul supposed to be the “true Libertarian” in the Republican Party?
V4 and front-wheel drive in the early 1900s = I love it.
for $12, probably.
Looks like the A B S CLS CLA.
Incarceration. Cost of health care.
The greatest state in the greatest country in the world
However, it’s at times like this that I always regret that I don’t really believe in the existence of a hell.
Me too (they were sold under the Ford brand here in Germany). Unfortunately, they were always rare and I haven’t seen one in many years.
Sorry, but the reason why “just accidents per mile” isn’t as meanigful as it appears to be has been explained often enough by now.
I mean, for years and years I’ve complained that all Volkswagens look the same. This one definitely looks different, at least … And it turns out “different” doesn’t always mean better.
But you have (by far) the most expensive health system in the world. That’s almost as good, isn’t it?
Nice car. The price though … Granted, I’m German, were you can get a really nice MG TF for half as much.
Yes, I’m quite certain it hasn’t escaped his notice that they wanted to hang Pence, of all people.
“Non polluting” is not the first thing that comes to mind when talking about nuclear energy, seeing as we still haven’t figured out what to do with the waste after more than half a century …
God, I just hope they don’t let you anywhere near children.
Which is what happens in civilized countries.
This is called assault and battery, and it is a crime.
PS: according to my dictionary, Rob is an actual German word after all (albeit an obscure one), meaning “fruit juice” or “syrup”. So Robfahrdienst is “syrup driving service” :)