
Holy motherfuckin’ Christ. This woman is a serial murderer. Please put her in prison. I’m sure it’s possible if someone tried. I mean, you Americans are usually all about enforcing your laws all over the world, aren’t you?

When you think it can’t get any more depressing … I’ve been overusing the old Max Liebermann quote for some time, now: “Ich kann gar nicht so viel fressen, wie ich kotzen möchte.” (“I can’t eat enough to puke as much as I want”).

Or if not wanted, then willingly accepted.

Incarceration-wise: true, but then, no civilized country is (almost by definition). Race-wise, though? I’m a little sceptical (there’s this little Brexit thing) but then, I’m German, and we hardly ever had any problems with racism.

Thoughts and Prayers Oppinions and Lip-service

I can put my finger on it. Specifically, my middle one.

True, but we also do have freedom of opinion and freedom of demonstration according to the constitution, which unfortunately also applies to assholes. These sort of Nazi conventions are usually preceeded by a lot of legal dispute, and individuals who break actual hate crime laws (Volksverhetzung) will be arrested –

Yes, but when I was blackout drunk, I puked on my parent’s carpet (still incredibly ashamed of that more than a decade later), but somehow I managed never to even try to rape someone. Yay me?

From (almost) personal experience, I know that many municipalities in Germany try very hard to keep Nazi and other extremist demonstrations out, but we do have freedom of opinion and freedom of demonstration, and this unfortunately extends to racist assholes.

Oh, you’re bringing logic and sense into a political discussion. That’s bold.

Ah yes, if only the Nazis had provided some form of entertainent in their concentration camps.

Ah yes, comparing immigrants to animals, that’s a new one that’s certainly never been done before.

Apparently, judging by the comments here and elsewhere. Although “thoughts” is perhaps a stong word ... 

60 Years. 3 Generations. We forget too damn fast.

Those people are probably all vaccinated (never mind the logical discrepancies). It’s their children who’ll primarily suffer the consequences, not themselves.

What about? What about?

I know how you feel.

And also because they ran out of fuel.

That actually sounds like a sensible idea. Although I’d also allow different camera angles.

I’m beginning to think there is something very wrong with the way GM does business