
She must not read any newspapers or websites at all if she doesn’t see it because when her new face premiered there were days of copy about it. I remember thinking, ‘Who is that woman? She looks familiar.’

Eh, one of my kids was born with hair down to the shoulders.

Wait a sec....wanky wanky wanky about your iPhone and then your favourite jams? This is an article? Fuck me. And hire me, because I’ve got loads of mundane shit from my everyday life that I can write about...and with humour! Bloody hell.

And he was desperately annoying while he tried.

Take away the accent and Jeremy Irons is just another middling actor with some serious issues. He’s a known serial cheater (perfect match for his Christian talk) and generally is seen as a total wanker who insists on being called ‘an artist’. If he ever gets a badge from the Queen he’ll be like Kingsley and insist

Is that a particularly bad herpes outbreak on her lips?

Same here. I thought he was annoying and never got why Carrie went for him.

And once again I’d choose Big, even if Baldwin was playing him. John Corbett annoyed the fuck out of me (but then, he always does with his aw shucks routine) on SATC and while Aidan Quinn might have been slightly less annoying I still couldn’t with the ‘Hey Petey’ bullshit.

When it comes to predators there is rarely just one victim. I imagine there are more than four and they will come forward now that this is blown wide open.

None of the pictures are showing for me, which means I may have to binge all ten seasons this holiday weekend.

Considering that Rush Limbaugh has the charisma of a mushroom that has gone to mush I think we can ignore his opinion.

My guess is she probably doesn’t have time because while Mr. Wonderful here Pursues His Dreams While Feeling Bad For Himself she’s off busting her ass trying to keep a roof over her kids’ heads.

Don’t forget Dean McDermott aka The Deaner.

I look at that picture and can only focus on bleached teeth vs non-bleached teeth. The ‘bleach your teeth to blinding whiteness’ thing freaks me out.

I try to have compassion for Mrs. Trump and Mrs. Cruz but quite frankly they’re both so unappealing that I really can’t work any up for them. Between Heidi’s ‘Ted is chosen by God’ crap to Melania’s perma-squint of fake adoration I just can’t. Fuck the lot of ‘em.

Are these dudes still evangelical Christians?

Which one is Issac? And the hair - it’s a bit too styly for me.

This is how I always viewed this song/band: The lead singer was a girl, the older one was going to be closeted, and the drummer would end up in rehab.

Wait until she hits menopause and puts on some middle aged spread - that nickname is going to be even more ridiculous.

I think he did with this article. Or at least a novelette.