Word Salad.
Word Salad.
I was thinking the same thing. That was one rambling load of excuses and not terribly well-written.
Couldn’t agree more. CAn’t sell your articles (advice: hire an editor because that shit was long and drawn out)? Get a job, any job, while you write at night and build your name. That doesn’t work out and you’re still short? Get two jobs and write on the weekends. At the end of the day if the writing gig isn’t working…
Sounds like my ex. He is much, much wealthier than I am, yet there was a time that I had to go after him every month for support. Finally took it to court and now he pays. Then again, he also tries to deduct any money he spends on the kids because apparently the small amount of support is supposed to cover everything.…
You critique kids’ drawings? Let ‘em get on with it and don’t worry about ‘crayon vomit’.
Oh yes indeed. My ex tried to get me to itemise every single thing I was using his piddling amount of support on. I told him to fuck off and come back with a court order. Never heard another word about it.
It was looooonnnggg, if nothing else.
Mine won’t buy anything. Why? Because he pays a paltry amount of child support and feels that should cover everything. The idiot hasn’t even taken them on a holiday since we divorced. Those fun times are saved for the new lady in his life. I, on the other hand, manage some sort of break for us here and there, even if…
Same here. Not easy to date when the kids are breathing down your neck most of the time. My ex, though, continued his marital dating without missing a beat after the divorce.
Indeed. Or take corporate writing work. Boring as fuck but pays pretty well and once you get on their books they’ll send you bread and butter work regularly. I’m having a tough time sympathising with this guy because I’m on the other end of things: an ex with a shitload of money who pays very little in child support…
I was thinking the same about the booze. He’s aware, which is something, I guess. Maybe Theresa will finally divorce him while he’s inside, although I doubt it. She’s hooked on douche for life.
Is that what it’s called? I’ve always wondered.
If I could control all lighting everywhere I’d absolutely do it. After a certain age it makes all the difference. Go Mimi.
The guy’s from Lowell. Hand him over to hometown heroes Dicky and Micky. They’ll sort him out.
Love Pee Wee and cannot wait to find time to watch this. He remains uniquely fabulous.
I actually remember when Trump’s first marriage broke down due to his very long affair with Maples, who only ended up the 2nd Mrs Trump after she had a kid. Maples is one cheap trick, as far as I’m concerned.
She dropped some bad acid along the way and it permanently altered her thought processes?
She’s been in the biz for many decades and should be smart enough to just ignore this crap. Who gives one shit about what the Daily Fail writes?
She’s reading the Fail and responding to their idiotic articles? And she’s forgotten grammar and spelling in the process? Oh Madonna, when this tour wraps go underground for awhile and sort yourself out.
Macaroni is difficult for children to pronounce? On which planet, please. I don’t give a shit what people call it but let’s not say that children are too stupid to say such a thing and thus we shorten the name. We shorten the name because it sounds snappy. End of.