I say see you on Dlisted. I may finally have to create an account over there.
I say see you on Dlisted. I may finally have to create an account over there.
Jezebel is a total joke. Cannot stand another second of uni-level idiots who have just discovered feminism and thus go nuts over ever perceived insult. That site is the epitome of the Outrage Culture. I’m a total feminist and that site makes me ANGRY. They’re completely ridiculous with their attempts to school all…
I won’t miss shitty gawker ‘editorial’ (hahahahah) decisions and I won’t miss the crazy that is Jezebel.
Teeth. Scary staring eyes. Bad hair. Turned up nose where the nostrils a bit too ‘peekaboo’. People like this guy?
She booed a guy because he wasn’t Texan? Way to be cool, Madge. This woman needs to wrap up her joke of a tour and get some therapy. She’s a mess.
Her follow up line of ‘Filling my big hole’ while pointing to her crotch really reinforced Classy Madonna circa 2016. She’s become a joke.
She didn’t apologise. She made light of it, by saying, ‘Ooohhh...Sexual harassment’. I guarantee that if the genders were reversed (and yes, I’ve read all the people who think this is a dumb argument. They’re wrong) Jezebel would explode with outrage, never to be seen again because the level of outrage would launch…
If you watch Oz coverage the average age at the shows seems to be roughly 55.
I find it sad that we live in a world where celebrity makes a 17-year-old girl laugh off having her tit exposed to the entire world without her permission. And that her mother thinks this is great. But hey, Bogans rule.
Madonna didn’t seem embarrassed in any way.
I’m guessing this was all pre-planned (and from certain media reports it was, because this young lady is hoping to launch a modelling career-good luck with that) but let’s be honest here: if it was a male performer who pulled this nonsense everyone would be up in arms. And I totally side eye this teen’s mother.
Nice hipster ‘look at me’ gig if you can get, I suppose. Didn’t work out because Kickstarter recognised this for the bullshit that it is.
Before now, I never really recognized the very present danger of action movie shoots.
Nah, she’s just shattered and cannot move beyond the cheating because, well, she’s still with him. If she left him (as she should) she would go through the 5 phases of grief and eventually get her shit together. Being with him is a daily reminder that she married an asshole who instead of discussing any marital…
Probably thrive and prosper. She’s like every other woman in a long marriage who is faced with the fact that she is married to a dickhead who gets off on torturing her: she just cannot see her life without him. Once she gets out of it, though (and gets past the nutty stage of her life blowing up), she will realise…
So because the Irish were ‘eventually able to assimilate’ makes it ‘wrong’ to say they were oppressed as fuck at a certain point? I don’t think so. I, too, am a historian, and not buying it one bit. Let us not compare one experience to another and then say one ‘isn’t so bad’. Because that is bullshit. I cannot believe…
Ok, perhaps the best thing you can do is NOT compare the treatment of the Irish to the treatment of blacks, because this is two whole different discussions.
Oprah is an amazing woman in so many ways but I went off her years ago when I was home sick for a period of time and watched her show every day. What I noticed was:
God, I hope they do. He’s a whiny man-child who revels in sticking it to her that he cheated. She’s losing her freaking mind over it because she cannot get the strength to tell him to kiss her ass.
I think they were together a total of 10. It’s not always easy to see what others can see, because sometimes people wilfully blind themselves to a painful truth. She’ll eventually realise she’s well-shot of this asshole.