
He’s a narcissist and when it became evident that she might actually have needs and the focus wasn’t going to be totally on him he bailed. The dude’s been married 4 times, he’s generally a jerk from all appearances, and dam, he needs to lay off the plastic surgery. He’s looking like one of my aunts.

She got back with the boyfriend who abused her daughter so fuck that nasty cow.

Madonna can kiss my ass with her whole ‘It’s misogyny and sexism when you criticise me for my bullshit actions!’

Bloody hell. Chop his balls off and stuff them down his throat. Then let him choke on them. What in fuck.

Big shock the Zanuck lady dumped her husband. I cringed that whole season whenever she was on because it was wildly apparent she desperately wanted to be on the show and that she really wasn’t into her husband one bit.

Eh, it’s the perfect response to her passive aggressive interview, which was a thing of beauty. He’s basically saying, ‘You got it out there now shut the fuck up.’ Which I understand, although I hope her response is ‘bite me’.

One of mine could have had a run at the title of King of the Monster Children. He had a 6 month period where he flipped out over EVERYTHING. I’m talking meltdowns that had me in tears they were so horrific. He is now the gentlest, sweetest thing who rarely gets upset. I believe he got it all out of his system early on

Biden at the end is genius. of course she hasn’t had any work done. That manic uptight look that disallows any other expression other than ‘angry’ and/or ‘constipated’ is pure nature. :) Cindy must think we’re fools.

Well, Cindy before a bit of tightening. I wonder if Cindy looks at her photos now and thinks, ‘Sheesh, maybe it wasn’t such a great idea to get that small lift and loads of botox.’ Without the airbrushing she is looking ‘off’, although her general good genes staves off any real horror.

I think at least Ivanka knows what a fool her father is. She doesn’t strike me as overly stupid, unlike the chinless wonder sons.

That purple and orange getup is the kind of thing that would get you kicked off Project Runway. What in hell was she thinking?

I wonder what it must be like knowing that your father is a complete joke, because on some level Trump’s kids must realise this.

Man, Madonna has totally screwed the pooch. Hang it up,lady, and give your kid a break. I’m a mother and I know this must hurt like fuck but the public breakdown is ridiculous. She’s pushing 60 - get control and stop acting like a bullshit teen. Keep this stuff private and lay off the sauce... .at least until you’re

Now playing

Bloody hell, if she wanted to drive her kid she couldn’t do a better job. As a parent to teens I will say that Madonna is seeing the pooch big time. She won’t ditch the tour (which may have to do with insurance, etc., but still, she’s rich as fuck) but she’ll pull this nonsense?

Yep, just another way to screw under paid workers.

She tried to keep him off the birth certificate and fought him seeing his daughter more than a few hours a week. The only reason he discovered it was his child was through a DNA test. From what I understand he asked for full custody because in asking for that it was more likely he’d get part custody. I dislike anyone

Tipped workers in most states work for under minimum wage, particularly servers. The pisser is that while they used to get their tips straight out they now have to claim on them, and if they don’t claim what is deemed ‘enough’ they get audited. I’ve seen that happen to a couple of people, which is ridiculous, because

You are too right, mate. I need to be reminded of this every so often. Thanks Mr. Man!

Oh dear, pass the smelling salts!