
Who on earth buys this vapid shit? Someone, anyone, make this useless cow go away.

The woman claimed that Ryan told her that he loved her, called her his “soul mate,” and said they would marry and have children one day.


Same here. She strikes me as a nice person who probably has a bawdy sense of humour and is great fun over wine.

I want to get just famous enough that people pay me to wear clothes or sip out of a particular bottle of water and take a picture. Then I can get on with my real career ambition: relaxing and travelling - possibly both at the same time.

I didn’t pluck my eyebrows for years due to Brook. Even now it’s all about the strays.

It’s like a 70s stoner van. Or a cover of a Boston LP.

I spent the second half of this movie thinking, ‘Hurry up and die already’, despite knowing that as the star of the film there was no way he was not going to survive.

Yeah, oddly, I’m a woman - and not a self-hating on. I think the problem here is that I don’t agree with you, and that I don’t think that being a feminist precludes me from criticising women.

Blah di blah blah blah. How empowering your words are and so supportive of women in all their points of view. You really are a feminist and you really know how to show your support for all women. Yay for you.

This is really, really, really important to you. I suggest writing an essay for Senior year honours. I’m sure someone in high school will appreciate it. Good luck.


Yeah, ok, calm the fuck down. I gave my opinion, with a comparison. Why Beyoncé fans go nuts over every little slight, perceived or not, is kind of funny. It’s not woman vs woman, it’s a comparison about public figures who both happen to be sporting vaginas. Bloody hell, not everything is about pitting women against

I think there are a lot of fabulous and powerful female voices in music. I just happen to think some of those voices are manufactured. I think others are genuine. I also think some are plain bullshit and band wagon riding. You know, like life and the people you know in your life: some are more authentic than others.

Oh please. I think Beyoncé is a manufactured act and that’s misogyny? Give me a break. I’m not a fan of her music or her act, which I believe is derived not from heart but from corporate interests. God, I must be a horrible person for not buying it. Pffft...

Don’t do it! I worked in an office once where everyone got obsessive about ‘clean’ eating, to the point where they would cite stats on how bad that sushi I had for lunch was. They made their own granola and passed it around and if you didn’t praise it to the high heavens you were side eyed to hell and back again (for

Considering she sounds doped to the gills and can’t move her face due to God knows what injectables (with a big batch of bad plastic surgery) Tiegs should shut it about healthy.

Yep. Fuck Beyonce’s bullshit act. Adele is the real deal.

Adele is the balls. So few female artists who are so wholly self possessed, and filled with enormous humour. Bonus is that she doesn’t get her tits out to sell records.

Watching this live and she is absolutely lovely, as always. Waiting for her performance. Adele is the balls. Every female performer should look to her on how to get by on talent and not on anything else.