
That’s just making more excuses for shit behaviour. Oh , boo fucking hoo, ‘men don’t build as many strong relationships’. That is such an enabling attitude for shit behaviour. If they’re acting like shits there are few excuses because, quite frankly, we grow up and are responsible for our choices without pretending

As parents we cannot prevent the real world from butting in, but we can teach our children to know what is normal sexuality that we approve and what is wrong. I’ve taught my kids this because boundaries are super important and I want my kids to know it goes both ways, male and female.

Talk to your kids honestly and openly about sex from an early age in an age appropriate way and don’t ever act like sex is weird and you may end up with kids who have a healthy attitude about sex. Or not. It’s a crap shoot, with all that they will exposed to beyond what you tell them. Just make sure they know that

“...Field is reading to move on from the storefront life after 50 years in business...”

Those were the days when Ross Perot was seen as a threat. Now he seems utterly harmless, like your goofy thrice-divorced uncle who gets drunk and a bit ranty at the holidays.

If he dropped out first, I’d pretend I was going to have sex with him but as soon as the ink was dry on the papers I’d laugh at him and his angry little erection before doing a runner.

It’s Miss Ross, please.

Stop beating a dead horse, Tyra.

And a dentist. Those teeth...

You find it odd that a young woman who was allegedly abused by a man with enormous power in the industry she was keen to succeed didn’t pursue charges against him? In a society that is rife with blame shifting? Huh.

She’s in her 70s. She might outlive him but her life is well into its twilight years - and it’s all been spent being with and defending this guy.

I knew someone whose surname rhymed with Luca. So we sang the song to him.

One of the most undeserved Oscars ever.

I can only say that the head image makes me even more horrified that any event I attend is marred by people holding up their phones. I love that many theatres now say ‘no photos’ and boot anyone who tries to circumvent that directive.

Bottom line: when someone cheats they are not thinking about the person they are in a relationship with. Therefore, the betrayed partner should bail immediately. The cheater has shown who they are; believe them. And find someone who has the balls and is grownup enough to not treat you like shit.

Bullshit. If you’re willing to bang someone whilst drunk you’re willing to do it again. I do not give one shit about so called stats that say ‘everyone cheats’. Am I supposed to go through life and enter relationships thinking that it’s inevitable and if it happens I should just throw up my hands and say, ‘Oh well,

I have no idea how old you are or your life circumstances but things get a bit more complicated when you’ve got sunk costs: kids, decades, mortgages, stalled careers, etc.

Well, if that works for you then go for it. But if you have kids, sunk costs of many years and myriad other things, and then discover your supposedly faithful spouse is banging a sidepiece I’m going to guess you might feel differently. Maybe you won’t. I have no idea. But if sexual fidelity is not an issue then

It’s called blame shifting. Also, gas lighting. It’s a total mindfuck. Audit’s what most cheaters do: ‘If only you were X,Y,Z or did/provided X,Y,Z I wouldn’t have cheated.’ Well, only one person is usually cheating and if that person actually relayed their needs to their partner then the betrayed partner could, if

Well, hope that works out for you and I hope you never have to put that theory to the test in real life. I once thought like you. Things changed in a millisecond when I discovered the truth about my life. Someone making unilateral decisions about your life really can fuck with you and change your point of view when