
It took me until my 40s to figure that out but totally agree. Everyone I know who stayed together after an affair eventually ended up splitting, unless we’re talking about people married pre-1960. Then they stayed and tortured the fuck out of their partner (who usually continued to cheat), thought they were noble for

I’ve been on this earth for a lot longer than you and from what I’ve seen everyone would rather know. Nothing like wasting years of your life on someone who lies to you.

Cheaters often desire their partners just as much, if not more, while cheating. They get off on the subterfuge and cake.

I would rather know, 100%. As someone who divorced due to discovering cheating it was a total mindfuck to then discover he’d been cheating for years. All those years of my life that could have been put to much better use. Just tell and get it over with, because 9 times out of 10 you’ll get found out anyway.

Agreed. And it’s surprisingly easy to cook. Not sure why people are afraid of it. The worst thing you can do is overcook it. It must be pink.

This isn’t a ‘revenge cookbook’. It’s a cookbook with an intro that outlines his journey - what led him to going to cooking school and becoming a chef, i.e. his divorce and rebuilding his life after the drama. He’s actually quite nice about his ex, if honest about what happened.

When exactly did he do a tell-all book? No such book exists.

He’s not doing a tell-all. The whole ‘tell-all’ rumour came from word that the cookbook would mention Rimes. It barely mentions her and only in context of how the divorce spurred him to change his life, as it does for many people. Also, they have a confidentiality agreement so neither side can say much.

Gotti and Teresa...what I wouldn’t do to have dinner with the two of them. Hell, throw Missy into the mix, so I can worship her whilst listening to Teresa go on and on and on about Joe and The Girls.

I wonder if those “do nothing bitches” she likes to talk about ever feel depression. I can’t with this one. She’s abhorrent.

If only she hadn’t talked so much shit for years I might have more sympathy. If she had only acknowledged her opponent’s superior performance I might have more sympathy.

Twitter battle between two vapid pop types. Yawn.

Actually, it was Reagan who decimated the mental health care system in the 80s. And then the right wing press went full out in demonising people who were mentally ill and got little support from the system.

Having met multiple top level athletes I have yet to meet one who could not brush off a loss, learn from it, and go on to train harder and work for their next win. They don’t go on national television and play ‘poor me’. She seemingly has not ever acknowledged her opponent’s excellent performance, which is poor

Yep, and when Holly won her response was to talk about was what a true champ Ronda was, and said how much gratitude she had for Ronda for advancing the sport for all women. Rhonda is a poor loser and her whole attitude stinks things up.

They’re just unattractive all around. I have a relative who is thinking of getting one. She’s 19. I keep telling her to not do it because it really can get in the way of her ambitions.

No one can ever convince me that Trump has not paid for at least one or two abortions for side pieces over the years. It’s part and parcel of who he is: do what I say, not what I do. Like in the old days, when people with means and connections would get their daughters abortions whilst railing against ‘loose women’.

Guess I’m in the minority but as much as I sympathise with her humiliating defeat... cry me a fucking river. She got beaten fair and square.

Buy decent cheese from the deli. A little goes a long way.

Agreed. She made a commitment and instead of honouring it or finding a solution she threw her toy out of the pram.