
I don’t think it’s immature or simplistic. Someone you trusted broke that trust, betraying you and lying to you (I assume you thought you were in a committed relationship?). That is pretty much a great reason to not trust them ever again and to have your sense of that person coloured forever.

I posted about that in the social thread but no one’s picked it up at Gawker HG. It’s a huge story so I’m pretty shocked.

They ALWAYS think they’ll be the game changer. I actually had someone tell me that what she had with the dude she had an affair with and subsequently got together with was ‘special’ and they were ‘soul mates’. And after a few years of keeping him on a super short leash and watching him like a hawk (which didn’t seem

You don’t like to see people upset so you sleep with them if that’s what they want? Wow. You might want to share this with your husband. And please use protection while you’re people pleasing.

So he ‘fears intimacy’? We’re trotting that crap out again to ‘explain’ away someone who lies? Yeah, ok.

Same here. I’ve never met one cheater who stopped cheating. And to be honest, the essential lying that goes along with cheating is what ends up being what I always notice. My ex was a cheater, as I sadly discovered, which led to me divorcing him. Now I see that he lies about all sorts of stuff, which was quite the

I have to ask: Does any woman find this sort of thing attractive? Sure, from an objective point of view a big dick is a big dick, but in my experience big dicks don’t necessarily get the job done. Motion in the ocean vs Size of wave, etc.

I’d take a bite.

Now playing

First thing that came to mind was this charming young lady. Pure class.

This woman confuses me. I know I should hate her, mock her, generally look at her and sneer. But instead I am quite fascinated by her. Not sure that weekend binging the entire NY series helped things. She became a part of my life - and I learned to hate Don Caroline.

Makes me think of all those lame bathroom selfies I came across during a very brief foray into online dating. Honestly, there are few things less sexy.This guy? Wow, you have a big dick. What a claim to fame.

It doesn’t look crazy, it just looks dumb. Some people (??) are funding an egomaniac who is making glorified L’Eggs stockings and calling them fashion.

I was thinking that as well. Found this image, which has me thinking her hair is lighter brown and she darkens it. Looks good, either way.

Which she must have been doing for a long time because when her mother first appeared on RH Bella had dark hair then.

No, she’s Dutch.

From what I understand her mother is paying her rent, the kids’ school fees, and pretty much everything else. Tori needs to come up with picky money and that’s it.

But those aren’t medically necessary. Women will get their periods whether they want to or not. Viagra is a choice, not a necessity.

Now I’m trying to remember which is which. Might be a Brady weekend.

Now playing

Hahaha! I think I have to dust off my copy of this film. I need to see Jan hearing voices again. ‘Let’s knock over a 7/11' still makes me laugh.