
Yes, breasts filled with milk are incredibly painful. Once, when I was breastfeeding, my breasts filled (a baby cried close by). Not only did they leak all over the place but when someone brushed against them I nearly screamed in agony. It is not pleasant. Then you get blocked milk ducts and yay! More pain.

I’m thinking that sometime during that 14 hours people were allowed to take a loo break so while this makes me laugh I think it’s total stunting.

Jesus I LOVE A Very Brady Movie. Seriously, she was a genius in that film. She nailed Marcia perfectly.

I’m not saying one is worse than the other and not terribly interested in making that argument. I think both are awful and should stop, end of.

Babies are born with a protective vernix coating, which is designed to protect the baby’s skin and will be absorbed over the days following birth if you just leave it. Sure, the kids is a bit crusty until this happens but it’s great for the skin. Where I live they don’t clean the babies, they just let nature do its

Here you go! It’s hilarious.

Totally redeemed himself in my eyes.

Gah... reading the comments makes me realise why I am so happy to live outside the States. So many worries about lawsuits and other assorted bullshit, instead of focusing on the fact that this is a great initiative. It will help the poor and starving and it will also force grocery stores to rethink their own habits.

That any produce is removed the second it has a blemish is absurd. And really, ood poisoning vs starvation? I’ll take a slight bout of the shits over wasting away any day of the week.

I don’t believe for one second that grocery store managers are too busy to organise anything for the poor and starving. I believe hat corporations that own grocery stores would rather throw away food than let homeless people have it. Hurrah for France for being sensible!

Yep, yet the comments are littered with reasons why this is so alien. I mean, how will anyone know if the food is off without some big corporation setting some arbitrary time limit? Because if you do a bit of research you’ll discover that the whole ‘best before’ thing is quite the scam.

They cook for people every day so this sort of bonanza is most welcome. Fresh food on the daily, allowing them to whip up some serious culinary delights. They are French, after all, and their soup kitchens are probably better than your average shithole diner in the States.

‘Almost expired’ veg and fruit? Like, do they come with a sell-by date? Or are we, as humans with functioning bits, able to separate the wheat from the chaff, so to speak, meaning we can tell if a bit of lettuce has gone off without someone slapping a sticker on it.

I hate to say it, Jezebel/Gawker Media or whatever, but this story has been floating around for weeks and months. Where have you been?

Kanye West is a Twat!!!!!!!

Those same men chop off bits of baby boy’s dicks as well. I say let’s be truly about equality and stop genital mutilation of both sexes. It’s so completely unnecessary.

This is horrible, as is the continued circumcision of boys. Both should be stopped so that everyone can grow up as nature intended. And I mean this sincerely. Stop chopping bits off of baby’s bits. It’s gross and unnecessary, no matter the gender.

Of course she does. The KKlan pays the Daily Fail to publish myriad articles about them. The Fail has been on the take, publishing what are essentially Advertorials for Stars and Wannabe Stars for a number of years now. Blame that asshole digital editor who calls everyone a cunt. I refuse to remember his name.

Thankfully, no. I work on the edges of it from time to time, so have seen a few of these. I’ve seen itineraries that ran over 100 pages, were ready to go, then the client made some last minute changes in what they wanted and it all had to be adjusted. It’s pretty incredible stuff.

They also didn’t spend time looking through Airbnb listings to find the perfect getaway.