
I see. I imagine it will go something like that with my ex. His anger can flare at any moment and over the dumbest of shit - and it is always, always directed at me in some way. Must be a horrible way to live but I stay well clear of the whole thing.

Exactly. We were a happy couple with happy kids, going through the normal ups and downs of life. Meanwhile, my ex had this whole other life going for years that I was oblivious to.

Eh, different strokes and all that. I’m an Old so Rhianna does not float my boat in any way. If she had come along in my youth we would have barely lifted an eyebrow before snickering and moving on.

Not seeing it but either way, she is still pretty basic. And not overly talented. Do not get the love for her in any way.

It’s not the ‘same family’ because no longer are all members of that family living together and acting as one unit. The unit is fractured and it is no longer cohesive, therefore it is a broken family. What are you on about?

Why? She’s not some prize herself. Not a bad person but really, nothing special about either of them so they’re kind of well-suited.

Well, considering he used European privacy laws to try to stop publication of any pictures it seems it probably happened. The question is: does anyone really give a shit? I think not.

I guess I’m so old that I find it interesting that this stuff needs to be spelled out. I thought everyone knew the basic story. Sigh. Old.

When I was young advertising told us that in order to feel ‘fresh’ we had to douche so our vag would smell like lavender and a field of wildflowers and whatever. Because God forbid we smelled like women, you know? Did it once and it was so odd I threw it in the bin and that was that. I smell like a lady. Sometimes

No one says anyone should stay in a relationship that isn’t working. Going behind your partner’s back because your ‘needs aren’t being met’ (and one must ask if she’s meeting her partner’s needs?) without telling them that you’re going to be doing this is disrespectful and shows a remarkable lack of character.

You have got to be kidding me. When the parents divorce the family is broken. That’s a given. People can get along but the basic family unit is no longer there. It’s pretty simple.

Yeah, it hurt, but what hurt more was to know that so many years were wasted on a person who was willing to risk my health and the happiness of our kids for some new pussy.

Her fan didn’t call her ex a cunt. She did.

Marrying into low-level aristocracy does not make one posh. Going to boarding school does not make one posh. He’s middle class, through and though. Not a thing wrong with that but calling him posh is not correct.

He is middle class, which is a whole different ball of wax than it is in the States. And Wiki? Even Wiki shows that he’s middle class. Hell, Kate Middleton is middle class. She’s rich but she’s not posh. There’s a big difference.

Missed that. But douching is not a good thing for your vag.

Sure, in context and if you’re British (or an Aussie, Kiwi, or from another country where this is normal). She’s American, and she said it to the world. Not nice. Save that shit for drinks with your friends.

Sure, but falling in love with someone before leaving the marriage means she was having an emotional affair and looking for a soft place to land, rather than just leaving or addressing the problems in the current relationship. ‘My needs weren’t being met’ is straight out of the cheater’s playbook.

Madonna was never posh. Guy Ritchie isn’t posh either.

Does anyone douche anymore? It’s really bad for your vag.