
I disagree. Why let kids think that the family broke up because of some random reason? My marriage imploded literally overnight. What was I supposed to tell my kids? That mom and dad made this insta decision to break up? No, I told them dad had been dating and that it was not part of what I expected from our marriage

I agree in principle on what you’re saying. My ex wanted me to go along with some bullshit story as to why we were splitting but no, I wasn’t going to lie to my kids. I told them the truth: dad dated while we were married. I didn’t give them the gory details, such as I discovered he had been, ahem, ‘dating’ for years,

God, I hate your stepmother for you. What an asshole. Not only fucking your mom’s husband but then badmouthing her? If karma is such a thing I really hope it bites her hard. Sorry you had to deal with that kind of bullshit.

How early in the divorce did it happen, though? Early on, all bets are off. Ten years later? Keep it under wraps, unless he’s being an ongoing asshole and it’s really having impact. Then have at it. Sometimes the kids need to know. That said, this seems more like Madonna is being pissy because her kid is stretching

Oh, Madonna, spouting this shit is really going to bite you in the ass at some point.

I never get why people do this. I can see in the initial breakup being a bit unhinged, particularly if it was a bad one and there were factors that made you a bit nuts, but at some point you need to stop giving any mental real estate to the ex, no matter how you feel about them. Don’t get stuck on them, basically.

That shit is crazy!

No worries. I’ve been through and have got the scars to prove it. You’ll be ok. Just keep moving forward and don’t let the bastard get you down. Life really does get better on the other side. I’d even go as far as to say it’s pretty great, even if it’s not what you had planned for. :)

Well, not really. Just not willing to roll over and die because I unknowingly married someone disordered. Live and learn. :)

JLo’s makeup is absurd. Also, what percentage of singers in Vegas actually sing these days?

Thanks. It really does seem to be as you described. I was a wreck for awhile and didn’t see any way out of the horrific situation I found myself in. But after a lot A LOT of hard work, many missteps, times when I thought I was really going to go under I pulled it together. Took far longer than I expected and it’s

Yep, he was. But it turned out that he had been cheating for years and if I had actually been looking I probably would have figured it out sooner. But I wasn’t looking because to me we had a great life and a fantastic family. And when I caught him he denied it for a long time, even after I left him. He wanted to ‘save

I think the cracks are already starting. Can’t say I’m shedding any tears over it. :)

I’m really sorry to hear that. It sucks. Hugs.

Of course he would have.

Indeed, indeed, indeed. They are Hollywood insiders, as well as at least fine Co$, and have played the Hollywood game for decades. Now they get their knickers in a twist? I would rather someone whom I didn't suspect of being self-serving would lead the charge.

Brando sending Sacheen Littlefeather did nothing but rain mockery down upon his head. I don’t think it did one thing to advance the cause he was trying to advance.

How much you wanna bet his ass would be plonked down in his Oscar seat if he had actually gotten a nomination? Will plays the Hollywood game better than most. He’s just pissed he was ignored. Again.

That’s pre-plastic surgery, right?

Never mind the makeup, those teeth are so white they’re practically blue.