
Lea Michelle looks like a wax figure. Those teeth!

And as soon as she starts to have needs of her own he will not just toss her aside, he’ll set out to destroy her.

This is how a narcissist acts: pick someone whom they perceive as broken or less than. Then build that person up and make them feel like the greatest thing in the world. Then, when the person being built up shows any signs of actually being a multi-faceted human being with their own needs, devalue the fuck out of them

It took awhile but I’m fine now. I don’t trust nearly as easily as I used to but that’s not necessarily a bad thing. It did suck, though.

Hahahaha... my ex’s girlfriend told one of my kids (about ex), ‘He’ll never cheat on me. What we have is special’. Because the couple of decades I spent with the git meant nothing, apparently. I used to get pissed about this stuff but then realised that she has to tell herself this. The alternative is facing that she

NO shit! Sounds like Eddie and Leann with their bio-mom, bonus kid bullshit. My ex tries to convince one of my kids that his girlfriend ‘does so much for you’. Which means she is nice to him while making sure she and her kids are the priority and always come first. My other kid doesn’t deal with it in any way - just

After I left my ex I discovered that he had a pattern in all his relationships: be in it until something better comes along, get caught (on purpose) so that the partner will leave them, move on to the next ‘perfect’ partner and start the whole devalue cycle all over again.

I have to add that your entire reply is brilliant. It’s not about the sex (although unknowingly being exposed to possible disease is not fun), it’s about all the other stuff. You really explained it well.

She lost so much of herself during her marriage, catering to his needs and wants. After he left, she became the person she always wanted to be.

Sorry, just realised it was your mother he left after 17 years, not the Wifestress. Reading comprehension not my strong suit today.

I kind of hope so but I also know how much he has disappointed them already and how his choices have led to them having their own issues, so in some ways I hope he manages to have a healthy relationship with the girlfriend, although something tells me that it won’t happen. He’ll just get better at hiding how

Wifetress...hahaha. That is too funny. So he married her in his 70s and left her after 17 years? That’s bold.

He cheated on and left the mistress turned wife? Please tell me she wasn’t surprised he pulled the same shit on her.

Yep, my ex demonises me, refuses to speak to me directly about the kids, and generally blames all his woes on me, five years after we split. It isn’t easy for the kids because it makes all family stuff a pain in the ass. Actually, all life stuff, because their dad won’t talk to me and if I come up he gets pissy. I

Must easier to manipulate ‘broken’ women. What a pig.

In my work I have to be able to point people to what I’ve done in the past. It’s a pain to try to explain a name change after 20 years of using the ex’s. Such a freaking mistake. Never again.

Yeah, all my nieces were told by their mothers to always make sure they can support themselves, and to have their own money.

Martha’s hair game remains outstanding.

I wish I hadn’t changed my name. I’m kind of stuck with the ex’s name, at least professionally, and I wish I wasn’t.

Do people still need to be reminded of this? I thought it was a given to stash away as much as you can each month into a fund that you never, ever touch. And you never put another person’s name on it. It might start out as very little but it will grow if you faithfully add to it whenever you can.