
Newburyport or Marblehead would be hilarious.

Ha! I was just asking if that’s whiskey in her glass.

Has he really sought treatment for that? Bad news - all that does is give NPDs more skills in how to manipulate.

What in hell is this? She starts the interview by mocking grammar? Is that whiskey she’s drinking? His voice remains offensive. And no, people don’t go from being a smug dick who abuses his power for sexual favours to a really nice guy.

So basically not Nancy Drew.

Croque Monsieur is not this complicated. Look up a proper french recipe. It’s dead easy.

Home sweet home. And so many other great scenes. He was great in this film.

Yep, Diane Keaton in the Nancy Myers films just doesn’t cut it.

I have been to France a million times and have never had Croque Monsieur with a cheese sauce. It’s just melted cheese, dijon, ham, grilled bread. Croque Madam? Throw a fried egg on top.

I meet these guys all the time. They want someone in their 20s, babies right off the bat, and it never occurs to them that now that they have fulfilled all those youthful ambitions whilst remaining child-free, they see no reason why a woman would want to do that. Have my babies now that I realise time is running out

Plus, the fact that a guy had to come along on his white charger to ‘save’ her, rather than her getting her own ass back to NY pissed me off.

Agreed. I found his whole ‘I’m just a slow talkin’ dude working with mah hands, ma’am’ schtick annoying as hell. Plus: ‘Hey Pete. Hey Petey! Hey boy! Hey!’ made me want to pop him one in the nose.

I was thinking along those lines: which one will veer sharply left once she gets out from under the thumb of the nutty dad?

I will say that Luanne is a husky voiced climber and Martha would never stoop that low. ;) Hope you had a good holiday.

I’m totally addicted to a number of the franchises. Not sure I’ll be watching this one, though. Seems very white bread and too close to that abortion they called RH of Washington or whatever it was.

Indeed, although don’t forget lobbying dollars. Overall, though, I think it’s great that it’s basically voluntary.

Honestly, don’t sweat things too much. You’re baby will be fine. Eat what you want within rea son and don’t have more than a glass of the vino with dinner. Otherwise, get on with life. And don’t gain too much because it really is a bitch to get off (says the woman who ate ice cream every day for the last three months

I was in my 30s when I had my kids. Worked out just fine. I’m glad I waited. Gave me the time to do a lot of other things, although now I kind of wish I had had them slightly earlier, as I’m on a different path in life and, quite frankly, the fact that I’m still raising my kids (now more or less solo) is throwing a

Everyone I know having kids over 40 is doing it because they didn’t find anyone they wanted to have kids with before this. Several were resigned to either going it alone or not having a family, even though they wanted one.

Thanks. I try. I’m not a saint and screw up. When I do, my kids call me on it, we talk it through and get back on course. When they screw up I call them on it, we talk it through and get back on course. Sometimes we shout, sometimes doors are slammed, and sometimes one or all of us say dumb shit. But the overall goal