
Ah but that’s where you’re wrong, there is without a doubt, a large contingent of OpenAI fanboys that do in fact think they have already achieved AGI and/or Skynet.

Man, I am so excited for the Murderbot series. Skarsgard doesn’t fit with what I think Sec Unit should look like, but he’s a fine actor and I’m sure will do great.

This might actually stop me from buying another GM product. GM infotainment is some of the worst in the business and guaranteed to fail. 

Worth pointing out that the Zelda sales there are only physical. So the headline probably isn’t true.

people lose substantial amounts of weight—but only if they continue taking it.”

Funny to see all the “haha” headlines like this one, pointing out all the times Apple doesn’t follow exactly what Meta/Google/MS do, when Apple doesn’t really share the same business model as those.

Apple was really late in the smartphone game as well. We know what happened there too.

Apple has always taken a tempered approach to new technologies, especially when they flashpan like this as a fad.

Well, the intelligence of some humans. 

Go slow, go quality. Apple’s mantra.

“As Google and OpenAI’s chatbots touch the brink of human intelligence”

why is this the only way that The Boys ever advertises itself?

That’s absolute nonsense.

He got to the point, you just chose to ignore it and focus on something else and blow it out of proportion. Makes you a part of the problem too, since you prefer to attack people who support the good cause. This is why it’s not going to get better.

This site regularly criticizes C-suite executives of gaming companies, and this article is explicitly about female journalists and developers. That’s the text of this article. Representation in this context refers to the gaming news desks that cover games and the development teams whose labor produces the games we all

I’m a white man who has benefited greatly from my privilege over the years (even if I haven’t always been aware of it) so I know my voice probably shouldn’t be the loudest on this issue, but my god even I’m sick of how many talentless white men have infested this industry I love.

Oh hey, Miss Minutes finally did that thing you spoiled back when you reviewed the first episode because you couldn’t be bothered to remember when anything actually happened in the show you were reviewing.  

Sure, let me entrust my money to someone who has recently caused billions upon billions of dollars of value to evaporate.

If it involves money. It’ll be on our platform. Money or securities or whatever.

If you sign up for Twitters new banking service, you deserve to lose all your money. LOL