

They’re just worried because they’ll have to compete with something that is free when they’re perfectly content hiding their mandated free offerings as best they can.

Didnt they get sued for purposefully hiding their free file system the gov made them create lol

“The Direct File scheme is a solution in search of a problem, and that half-baked solution now has the potential to become a financial nightmare for tens of millions of Americans while unnecessarily costing billions of dollars for something free of charge today,””

Fuck off, parasite.

Pretty much in every state you don’t have to have justification to be fired, so you can tell your friend to grow up and act like an adult. You don’t have to commit crimes to be fired as well, and you also don’t get to escape accountability of your words and actions just because they didn’t rise to a criminal level.

+100 points for getting the original Mortal Kombat voice actor

I’ll like this for a thousand years, a thousand years. I can’t wait ‘til I see it.

Would have been great if any of this had been revealed or even hinted at for the whopping great majority of us who didn’t happen to catch 3 episodes of a 15 year old kids’ show

The greatest shame of that finale is that we KNOW that Ray Stevenson was supposed to have an amazing arc in the storyline, and now we’ll never get to see the best actor of the series run the course.

Felt like a midseason finale. They’d have been better off selling it as that too because when you sell it like they did (one season, no announcements yet others), people are expecting certain things. The story beats were fine up until this point where you were expecting something, anything. Instead, we don’t get much

The part that chaps me is that none of the new storylines were resolved in any capacity in a way that furthers it for the next seasons/series/movie. Everything big that was introduced in this season is still a mystery which means that the only payoff in the next season is getting that answered (either midway through

“Have you kept up with your training?”

It’s been like, 3 days since you saw her last. When the ever living fuck would she have had the time?

It’s little things like that that I can look past but still yank me right out of Filoni shows. The dialogue needs a go over from someone who’s not a SW sycophant.

Wow what a missed opportunity this was.

Fuck this, Prestige Streaming series that take 2 years to produce shouldn’t have an end of the season cliffhanger.... This make all of the time watching the show feel like a waste. I don’t mind Thrawn not being wrapped up but they could’ve gotten all the main characters in one fucking place. I wouldn’t mind the Thrawn

Nobody hit anyone with layoffs. These highly profitable companies who post record profits year after year actively chose to lay people off to help make their earnings look better for shareholders

A welfare state is the concept that the state is unable to sustain itself and constantly needs government assistance to remain afloat. CA has a surplus and therefore cannot be counted, likewise Texas and I think all of those other states.

If we were a welfare state, like some in the south, sure, but CA is running a surplus for recent years. At one point we had to literally pay money back to people because it crossed a threshold. 

Jeff Bezos will not make you rich.

The game explicitly sets up a world where slavery exists in mass form; the game is responsible for then navigating that appropriately.

Being media illiterate/lazy is not an excuse for lazy storytelling. There is no such thing as a perfect story, yes, but FF has set some strong storytelling standards or themes back then that FF16 failed to uphold even if those games have not aged well today.