
Or maybe if you’re going have a story revolving around some of the worst things humans can do to each other (things that literally happened in real life) you could take the time to explore what it actually means.  Otherwise, don’t bother including it period.

I mean.... it’s Final Fantasy. In the series we have so many classics. It’s hard not to expect a bit more.

And I don’t think it would take 15 years portraying slavery. They could replace the first draws of what we have seen with more thorough storylines and more insightful side quests (also it’s not like it took them

Before any discouragement from Kotaku haters and FF defenders, I got to say: this article speaks my truth.

What a wonderful summary resonate to what I’d been feeling during Clive’s journey. I wonder if developers were just too lazy to dig deeper, or tragically chose something too big for them to chew. I thought given

Two things:

I think that’s a disingenuous take. It absolves the development team for introducing deep ideas they couldn’t —- or wouldn’t —- deal with in any significant manner. The game explicitly sets up a world where slavery exists in mass form; the game is responsible for then navigating that appropriately.

It was something that bugged me during my play through.

It’s not even astonishing anymore how little gamers know or even want to know about how games are made.

This is like going to Walmart and holding a cashier to blame for how much something costs, or any number of shitty practices that Walmart employs.  No, the responsibility lies with their management who’s responsible for deciding how the game’s monetized and where resources are being allocated.  I’m not going to blame

Yikes wtf

I gotta push back on that. Like if any devs wanted to be lazy and just phone it in, then they wouldn’t be developing for games in the first place.   The same skillsets could see any dev making more money for less work in just about any other industry.

I guess on some level, I find it unpleasant to identify so proudly as a consumer/customer.”

But the thing is, the workers on the game making the assets, etc. are unlikely to be phoning it in. The game’s success determines their continued employment.

I’m honestly a little shocked at the straightforward admission that folks don’t care about the human beings who create the things they love.

It’s a very good way to keep yourself misinformed (if you care to know what’s causing the problems you hate in the games industry, listening to game devs is probably a good place

I hate how much of online gaming discourse revolves around bad takes made by ill-formed idiots looking to make a quick buck off rage-bait videos.

The advanced previews of Flash were also applauding it as an an amazing film and I refuse to believe it flopped solely because they changed the ending cameo between the screeners and release...

Both things can ve bad, though.

Premium, non-real money currency in games should be illegal. 

So be it. Stand with labour not with corporations. 


I’m just impressed that you can keep them all separate in your mind. To me, they are just kind of a supercut of Tom Cruise running and doing stunts.