
It really is this simple. Don’t like it? Don’t go.

fuck that let them quit. They can be replaced. it is a couple of hundred employees. 

Assholes. Don’t like drag shows? Then don’t go. I’m sure no one is forcing you to. Meanwhile, you want to cram your religion down everyone else’s throats, though.

some employees signed a petition saying the event was offensive to their Christian religion.

You know, you CAN love the final product and still be dissapointed with how the studio abuses the VFX workers.

Killing off Hill like this sucked. We get a little bit of depth between her and Fury and then thppt she’s dead.

Losing Agent Hill this quickly didn’t quite feel earned to me. My primary issue with this story thus far is that Fury seemingly insistent on working this outside of either SABER or U.S. resources feels like a bit of Idiot Ball plotting. But we’ll see where this goes. 

For me, at least, the extra screen size is a huge issue. I bought a 13” MBP when the M1 came out and tried my best to use it on the road, but I just found the screen size unusable for anything beyond periodic use, and returned it. I went back to my older 15” MBP and it’s perfectly fine for all-day use. I have no

So you’re a straight white dude and representation has simply never been an issue for you. You just take it for granted that almost everything will cater to you, whether it’s market research or not.

And what is it when someone forgoes sarcasm entirely and just calls you a coward and a lickspittle directly to your face?

Wow so brave

Yeah, but where’s that money going to come from? It’s not like Star Wars and MCU have collectively grossed $37 billion dollars in combined franchise box office sales or anything. (it’s exactly like that)

“But... but... every dollar we give to writers is one less dollar we can use on sex workers and blow for ourselves!”

Boo fucking hoo. There’s no good reason to go back to office, and your real estate prices are especially not a good reason.

Your post is hacky. Clearly there isn’t a physical input device, and as far as I can tell no other VR/AR device is doing it the same way. 

You’re working too hard to be disappointed in this. 

“Rest on one’s laurels”?

A good reminder that you could save a company hundreds of millions of dollars, but in the end, they’ll still tell you to fuck off when they feel like it.  Your hard work will never be rewarded or treasured.  You are nothing more than a negative balance on their profit sheet that they’re constantly looking to get rid

This is your daily reminder that the only power people have over their employers is the one they exercise collectively, as a union. That power is the reason we have safety regulations to make our workplaces safe to work in. It’s why we have 40-hour work weeks and (used to be) unconditional overtime pay. It’s why

I’ve stopped feeling bad for people who still shop at Gamestop.  I also don’t understand those people.