
The word “finally” really has lost all meaning, huh?

It seems many people believe that this did not come from Nintendo:

This is so fucking funny. It’s dumb enough to leak data from your hyper-secrecy-conscious employer, but then also doing it on a company phone?? Absolutely incredible.

Came here to say the same thing. It’s such a weird way to approach a product review.

Cons: There’s not enough of new stuff to justify switching from M2 to M3

And you’re right, there was ‘simply another solution’. I did find it, because its posted all over the forums, because this bug has been in this game since 2020. Yeah, 6 years of development time.. 3 years of early access..and the last act of the game has tons of bugs.. ‘a stuning job’.

“News” articles that are basically just re-sharing people’s Twitter and Reddit posts are always so funny (sad funny, not haha funny) to me.

No one ever said vaccines would keep you from catching, or experiencing symptoms from, Covid-19, you fucking idiot.

The streaming service signed a new licensing agreement worth up to $250 million, according to The Wall Street Journal on Friday, but a Spotify spokesperson says that number is incorrect but declined to expand on the terms of the agreement. One big change in this deal is that it’s non-exclusive meaning that Rogan can

Love to “champion” indie creators by using a tool that steals the work of other creators

Feels weird to root for the New York Times, but here we are.

What you call “meaningless grandstanding pedantry”, I call “a meaningful difference between what many people assume these tools are doing, an what they’re actually doing”

It doesn’t help that everyone (tech companies and media both) keep referring to this shit as “AI”, just because “large language models” or “advanced Markov chains” or “incredibly fancy auto-predict that lies all the time” aren’t as sexy-sounding.

I mean, it’s the entire theme of the article, so if you don’t care, I’m not sure why you’d read the article, much less engage with the comment section.

^ this. This needs more attention.

These hunger-suppressing drugs fail for the same reason calorie deprivation diets typically fail - the body is simply not meant to operate long-term with a calorie deficit, and will in fact actively work to regain fat stores that are lost in this manner. These drugs simply mask the hunger feelings that is your body

Imagine continuing to actively set money on fire because you refuse to make a fair deal with the very people who make your entire industry possible.

What the actual fuck is wrong with you?