
This is what you get with patchwork laws and haphazard regulation. If my bottle of whiskey says it is 114.1 proof, you can be damn sure that it is 57.05% alcohol by volume.  If the ibuprofen bottle says the tabs contain 200mg of medicine each, you can be pretty certain that 2 of them are 400mg.

The Obi Wan Show was bad and it should feel bad.

“as heir to the Empire”

Can we talk about how everyone in the TNG legacy cast is just knocking it out of the park? Burton, Spiner,Frakes, McFadden, Dorn and Stewart are all fantastic in this series. It’s remarkable these actors have been able to slip right back into their old characters so seamlessly and they are all great. All these actors

So...Starfleet was having difficulty identifying the Changeling infiltrators in its own ranks, but somehow also managed to capture and experiment on ten Changelings at the same time?

This show keeps getting better and better. I can’t believe there’s only 4 episodes left. The series should’ve been this storyline, not rogue synths and the Borg Queen in modern-day LA.

One of the things I love about Shaw is that, even when he doesn’t have a lot of screen time, we still learn something amazing and unexpected about him every episode. He likes weed! Court martialing so-called legends fills him with glee! Meeting engineering god Geordie LaForge turns him into a nervous fanboy! I just

The Star Fleet Fleet Museum is the fictional Museum that I now want to visit the most. Imagine being able to tour the Defiant, Voyager, the Enterprise-A, the Bounty, a classic Connie class USS New Jersey. It would be a hell of day out. I want a VR game experience where you get to walk around the Fleet Museum with a

You can’t believe changelings evolved to need to be in a liquid form every so often, but you can believe humans have evolved to require spending 1/3 of our lifespan unsconscious while asleep?

I wouldn’t criticize Crawford for her choice overextend herself for her job.

Or she can be looked at as an overly ambitious and opportunistic Icarus who got too close to the Musk and paid the price for a not so good product roll out that embarrassed the delicate ego of the “greatest”leader” of all.

she was the CEO of Squad when it was purchased by Twitter for $40 million, i’m sure she was doing ok prior to working at Twitter

Those who jeer & mock are necessarily on the sidelines and not in the arena

The comments supporting her post-firing Twitter post are delusional. One user wrote “the boos come from the cheap seats” (a reference to a famous Babe Ruth quote. Another user wrote “boo the poors.” I’m pretty sure Ms. Crawford was underpaid. She was underpaid, overworked, fiercely loyal and it got her nowhere.

So many schmucks appearing out of the woodwork to lick the corporate boot in these kinds of threads. Just because they’ve never had the opportunity to work from home, they don’t want anyone else to have it. Pettiness and ignorance. 

That’s a better argument than your other stupid comment, at least.

Too bad employers expect you to be checking emails 24/7 no matter where you are at.

I mean, if you’re incapable at doing work anywhere but where someone is staring over your shoulder, then I guess no one is, right?

I’ve been WFH since the pandemic started and man it was an eye opener. my commute was wasting 40-60 minutes a day that I could spend getting more rest of getting chores done. They tried to push us back into the office but it really didn’t work. Luckily we got a new VP who had worked from home for 15 years prior to

Hey there, the 1800s just called and they want your opinion back.

Work from home is the best thing that’s happened to workers since weekends.