
It’s pretty outrageous it’s not compatible with PSVR 1 games.

Sure, you’re verified and get “increased visibility”.

Saying something is a “good idea” because Facebook has started doing it, is not a very convincing argument...

WHY didn’t Kang, if he truly was the “good” Kang, just come out and say that he was trying to stop all the evil alternate Kangs that want to conquer the multiverse rather than threaten to kill anyone that stands in his way?

STOP YOUR DAMN LIES.    Neither Pepsi nor Coke donated to the National Christian Charitable Foundation which is the anti LGBT organization Chickfila donates to.

But it still taste like LGBT-hate? Because that’s the flavor.

Back in ‘15, I had a roommate whose PS4, which could not have been more than a year and a half old at that point, had to have two controllers because their batteries would die after less than two hours.  

Of course, the Edge does come with a 2.8 meter braided USB-C cable, so charging shouldn’t prove too big a hassle, unless you like to play with the controller hidden under the blankets.

My head canon is the story of the Enterprise D crew ended in All Good Things and everything that has happened since has been in a Mirror universe where everyone takes stupid pills. 

But this is not a show cancelled because the ratings were not there.

Every thing I watch gets canceled. Every single thing.

Getting the news involved when a company gives you the run-around is not some new social media thing. ABC7 has been doing this for years. It is often the only way to get a result.


I’m not even wading in to the comments to see if there is at least one person defending a Japanese development team making insular cultural decisions regarding their own fantasy universe, because I’m sure there is at least one. That said, I really wish people would stop using this as an excuse. Final Fantasy is an

The racists in the greys are really in their feelings about this. LOL. I love their tears.

it’s almost like people engage with games in different ways than you do

I’m guessing queer folk might feel the same about most character’s heterosexuality being shoved in everyone’s face unasked. Not totally unrelated to how annoyed I always was growing up that all cartoon characters celebrated Christmas (I’m Jewish).

but it’s just grammatically incorrect to call a single person “they,” That term is plual, not singular.