Sigma silver

I guess it may be because I am Canadian, and therefore don't subscribe to the melting pot ideal, that I have a problem with this. If you're not harming anyone, why not hold on to your original culture? Why be pressured to conform to some arbitrarily conceived idea of what is an American or a Canadian? If you're

Marvel is owned by Disney, remember? So that makes this, at the very least, a Disney joint-venture.

I HAVE to watch this? What is it going to tell me that I don't know? That we're all doomed because humanity has NEVER been able to reign itself in? At this point, I'm just hoping to be safely in my grave before the worst of it hits.

I feel a deep, personal connection to this character. Not sure why...

Deeply unimpressed, disdainful, or vocally displeased is a cat’s reaction to EVERYTHING!

I wonder why Harley is teaming up with Dr Psycho, considering that one of his favorite things to do with his psychic powers is mind control women. That sort of thing is somewhat expected when you begin your existence as a Wonder Woman foe.

For me it’s the title that gives me pause. Love and Thunder? Really? Was this the title of an arc in the comics? It sounds like the title of a Harlequin novel.

 The man is a complete imagination void. He's like the joke about the farmer who names his children after the first thing he sees after looking out the window. 

I remember the previews leading up to the game made it seem like Vivi was going to be the main protagonist. Having a mage in this role would have been an interesting twist as the main protagonist in these games is usually a warrior type with some rogue type occasionally getting the part. Then the game came out and the

By "run for it", do you mean "for freedom" or "for president"?

And forcing Americans to use the metric system!

“Logic is not the key to everything Mr. Spot.”

It is what the internet does. No one knows it is you calling someone a ***** **** because they headshot you in a game. No one knows that you helped Bezos justify working his employees to death because you clicked “next-day delivery” for your jumbo bag of Oreos.

I don't understand the unreliable eyewitness part of your comment. Yes, HUMAN eyewitnesses are unreliable. They half-remember what they see and use their imagination to fill in the gaps. A computer remembers everything in exact detail and has no imagination. 

As long as he doesn’t get into sMOOOth jazz. 

So if I am reading this right, the program looks at things like brow heaviness, cheekbones, jawline and so forth to decide if this face is the same person as that face and if the face is masculine or feminine. So what do people want? For the program to also look through the person's social media to see how they FEEL

 The Heavy versus Roadhog fight alone was worth it!

 Considering that Huey lived in a perpetual state of outrage and disgust in the original run, a modern reboot would be just 23 minutes of Huey screaming non-stop into the camera. 

 Arcade: the world's most inefficient hitman.