Sigma silver

Storm Troopers are impossible to take seriously either in reality or in their own universe.


 Personally,  I liked "Cocktails & Nightmares" the best.

It it seems that the show has a problem with letting the zombie haters be anything other than caricatures of intolerance. They made the person who found out about the max rager Massacre a literal klansman. I would have thought that it would have been more interesting if the person who wanted the zombies dead was a

They are more than just a physical threat. Imagine some 1%-er becomes immortal. You think we have an equality gap now? Imagine someone wielding the wealth of MULTIPLE lifetimes and the influence that buys. What’s the little guy to do when not even the Reaper can knock the elite off their thrones?

 Who says you have to be a teenager to be the #1 hero?

 Trailer suggests it's a man. I guess that puts to rest my hopes she would face Purple Girl at some point. It would be a whole, "how dare you?! He was MINE to kill!", thing. 

 Remember those pre-internet days when we had to wait for the developer to decide our favorite game characters needed to go kart racing or play tennis or be airplanes?

 Do they also let you put a lifesize Carbuncle plushie in the wedding photo if you go with the Summoner book?

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 All this Evee compels me to post this. 

I would say, at this point, Westeros could really use a boring ruler.

Nothing makes you feel old like reckoning your age in pop culture years.

It would be interesting if the movie can pull of what the trailer implies. The selfish survival-at-all-cost ethics popularized by Walking Dead and any number of post-apocalyptic shows versus the innate selflessness of robots.

Part of the problem with explaining the rules of Magic is that every rule comes with a tag on the end, “unless you don’t, because there is a card.”

That “we are everyone and no-one” speech sounded like it was lifted from Fight Club to me.

 Um.. SHOULDN'T we be thinking of the children here?

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 There is the improved version of Scoobie Doo

I was a little kid when I watched Return of the Jedi, so it was years before I could see why people were so down on the Ewoks. 

An episode of the original Trek saw a bunch of space hippies hijack the ship to take them to a paradise planet where they can live as one with nature. The crew regain control of the ship after the hippies leave and follow them to the planet only to find one dead and the rest suffering burns. Every plant on the planet