So, is this one of those worlds where furries and humans just cohabitate?
So, is this one of those worlds where furries and humans just cohabitate?
I don't get the attraction. Don't you get enough of being a insignificant nobody in real life?
Yeah, part of the reason why I play games is to relax. You really can't do that in a game where you will die if you don't treat even the trash mobs as mini-bosses.
My episode order also started with the one about the lesbian who mind-jacks into a monster gladiator.. and I’m a straight male. Does Netflix know something about my gender identity that even I don’t know?!
Why does Xander have wings?
So who is he supposed to date? Dig up Buffy's great-great-great-great-grandmother?
It seems The Restaurant has isolated the vore gene and implanted it into species that have never heard of the internet, the twisted bastards.
The city's most reputable disreputable pub!
Samurai Pizza Cats is its own Abridged series.
If you are playing a where you are playing a robot character, and you use one of those robot voice modulators, you’ll quickly have people screaming "ear rape” and to turn that shit off. I can easily see these voice skins becoming obnoxious.
One of the things this lackadaisical attitude to automation is what to do with the C students when even the B students are struggling. Don’t say, “we will improve education so that there are no C students.” That is disingenuous, there will ALWAYS be C students. Don’t say, “Screw the dumb people, who cares?” That is…
You rang?
Nice.. want to call me out for not understanding Swedish next? Or maybe want to imply I'm a clueless dolt because I don't know a word of Pashtun?
The difference between photography and a selfie is the difference between going “look at what is happening” and “look at what is happening TO ME!”
Looks like SOMEONE has a short complex.
Have you ever taken an image of The Joker and covered that trademark grin so that only the top half of his face is visible? That's what this is.
“Highwaymen are more understandable: they are here to fight, fuck, and have fun.”