
I have a feeling Hans would do very bad things to Birdman's face. The difference is that he comes from a different basketball background, which keeps him in control in situations like this.


It's a fiiiiiine line, my friend. If you're off by a degree, you're in the shit. Literally, one goddamn degree off perpendicular.....

Yeah those things suck donkey dong. If you don't pump your leg at an angle directly perpendicular to the ground, those side parts just bend into a parallelogram.

So, it's available, but I have to pay $4.99 to put it on my iPhone. (I understand that iPhoto has numerous other features that justify the cost - I will probably purchase it, even though my only Apple products are the phone and Apple TV).

Thanks, Chris - I'll check it out.

One thing at a time, G! They can't even figure out JUST the tags thing after 5+ versions (7+ if you refer to iOS)!!!! :)

So then I'm not stupid, and this *actually* doesn't exist? wow.

Here's another potentially stupid question/suggestion while I'm at it.


Maybe I'm getting old, but this freaking out bullshit on the sidelines is getting highly annoying and more over the top. Next season someone's gonna bank in a free throw, and half the bench is gonna tear ACLs jumping up and doing an impromptu dance.

The assumption would be that the Achilles injury is to the dominant leg the vast majority of the time. That's the leg that has the most stress in terms of push-offs, stops, plants, etc. This is typical in basketball and tennis, as well as skiing.

Ke$ha, yes.

5-month old? you can bring them anywhere...they don't need entertainment. I brought my 6-month old daughter to a baseball game, and it was totally fine. The noises and all the people around sufficiently kept her attention. You're good for any sport, really (except NASCAR, if that counts). I would just avoid super

But when will "then" be "now"?

Not to nag all douchily, but wouldn't it be the area of your home, not the square footage? Typically, sqftage takes floors into account. Just for those of you entering your dimensions into the mix who don't live in a single-level home.....


If you can't use them then you're a moron and can't do two things at once.

Looks like he got Pinterest confused with ShutterStock.

edited for terrible attempt to parody "I'm Slim Shady".