
Source?  Is this for real? He’s not close to being part of the administration, let alone have security clearance to know something like that.   If this is true, it’s crazy that allies were unaware but this guy knew what was about to happen...but then again, there’s no tangible proof (once again) that he was told and

This gets a star for the emphasis, because otherwise I would’ve totally missed this.  Bravo.

If you’re saying the most famous person “ever”, then no one who’s alive now (or recently died) can be on the list.

This is the FIRST thing that I thought when I saw this happen.

I think you got it mixed up.

He got hurt (I think in the 2nd quarter) driving to the basket.  It wasn’t an obvious or massive collision, I think he just came down wrong on his foot/ankle.  The fact that he powered through seems to be a good sign - the fact that he was able to sit out a good part of the end of the game is probably even a better

aah i see -either way, it’s nutso........

In looking at those stats, it looks like he got on base at least SEVENTEEN more times (I think you just made a typo): 11 hits - 5 HRs is 6 times, and then the 11 walks.......insane that he only came in once based on teammate efforts....

I don’t necessarily disagree with you that Pete’s not the right candidate for 2020....I think he needs a few more years of experience outside of a mayorship in terms of political office (Congress, Governorship) to be fully considered “seasoned” enough for serious consideration by a larger portion of the country.....202

Read the quote, tools.

Just dropped in to say that in the 2013 Finals against Miami, when he was with the Spurs, he was legit in contention for Finals MVP (had the Spurs won).

“While those at the top of the MLB food chain are making more money than ever, those at the bottom are underpaid and overworked, toiling away in a toxic work environment.”

This is absolutely not getting the credit it deserves....i’ll check back later.

“if you’re a good test taker, don’t have anxiety about it all, can think fast, etc, you’re pretty much going to do fine as long as you learn the material the test tends to cover....”

You’re referring to brachial neuritis (inflammation of “arm nerves”), not brachial plexus injury. It is a very rare adverse effect of different immunizations, not just tetanus - there are case reports of it occurring with HPV, swine flu vaccinations as well (

Before these parents are further labeled as “anti-vaxxers” (in the context of the incorrect autism link) and Trumpers or anything else.

This is a very important clarification. He said he “never asked for a pardon”. As in, “Hey, can you guys give me a pardon, and then I’ll shut up?”.

Anyone that’s followed Harrison Barnes’ career, and the way he’s handled himself would realize that if he was allowed to, he probably still would have finished the game and played to try and win. The whole concept of him being “humiliated” is a joke. His agent himself said that Barnes knew something would come

A lot more kids, especially on the hot releases where there’s a line up outside.”

Agree 100% on the white women vote. Democrats made a terrible assumption that they would “come through” - and they didn’t.