
Can someone honestly explain to me how "Cougar Cross" sounds anything like a title for Rex Ryan's wife's video(s)? Except for the bad attempt to cross-link?

"Let Φ (a physical possibility structure) be a....

@freedomweasel: That play started with about 12 or so seconds left in the game.

Not for nothing, but are the same puns going to be used for every Rex article on here?

Lowell's on to something here. I compare GED grads to war criminals.

I don't see the problem.

Name something Grizzly Man's anus was not, and something Grizzly Man hoped he was not.

Ellis's hunk of snow caused him "physical injury, humiliation, mental distress, pain and wage loss."

It was bad enough that the gift-wrapped Lexus is in these smarmy fuckers' driveways the years prior to this one.

My question (and it's probably a dumb one) is why people aren't concerned about Username/Passwords being sent to third parties.

Not for nothing, but the team in black are a bunch of pussies. Especially the goalie - he gets shoved once, in full gear, and is down for the count and rolling around like a soccer player out there~!

@crazyfredi: What's even sillier is that is was a FAKE crossover, followed by a spin, then a step back, THEN the shot...with 1 second left on the shot clock. It's actually pretty sick when you actually look at the whole sequence....

@bdinger: It's moreso the reaction of the "sheep", not the "people".

Meyer can say what he wants...he's quitting because this season was quite the lemon.

@Sonar Jose: One of my favorites that I like to use is........."well smack my ass and call me Sachdeep"

Eye don't sea what your wining four - wear did she air in her weighs?

Anyone else read the Throwgasm descriptions in an Andy Rooney voice? I would watch 60 Minutes religiously if Magary were his replacement.