
@Daveinva: It may just be awful timing, coinciding with his first season in the bigs, too. Who knows? If he was in the minors all season, he would he have torn it down there... or would he have?

@Blount_Force_Trauma: I could think of worse things that could happen with Tommy Gunn surgery. I'd mention it here, but my T cells won't allow it.

@MarkKelsosMigraine: Interesting.....I just had Tommy surgery, and finally, I can hear you.

Parachute? What a pussy.

@pauljones: with my SKEET PEN!........up high! WOOT!

@AzureTexan: Where can I find these guidelines? Are they on wikipedia?

@When_you_get_the_money_you_get...: He was Z-z-z-ing her up like....Jay Mariotti

too bad it's not Heaven's Gate BBQ...

@Andrew: Having a dog and a kid are nowhere NEAR the same thing. I don't have kids, but I got a pup a year ago, and while I love it to death, it was the worst mistake I've ever made. Meanwhile, I still can't wait to have kids.

Fuck McCoy and his Dad. I'll never forgive them for running Coach Taylor off the Panthers and makin' him go to East Dillon. FUCK THEM, I say.

Babs, you forgot:

You forgot the part where, as she walked out of the apartment, she touched his face, looked into his eyes, and said........." thiiiiinnnnnerrrrrr...."

@Daveinva: +1 This RULES. I've been lookin' for a service that can transport me and my "Boo" to a hot tub in a plush are a savior, indeed.

This isn't surprising, since his inspiration comes from looking in the mirror and seeing the cardioid envelopes on the sides of his head.

redacted due to slow typing

N please.

"only order his steak well done."????

I wouldn't be surprised if he *could* recite Pi to the hundredth digit while poppin' these caps....

In related news, the Knicks have offered Chipper a Consultant position to improve the team's batting.
