Is something you can’t buy actually “on sale”?
Is something you can’t buy actually “on sale”?
As much as I support keeping old games alive via emulation, especially for games that we all know are never going to see a rerelease, everything this guy in particular did seemed to be stupid decisions.
With such scant details, it may not be ready until the 40th anniversary.
in the last year or two someone actually sold an after-market modification for your truck to make it spew out even more black smoke than usual, solely to fuck with the libtards. I know this because in my area I have seen at least two trucks with this mod and they take great pleasure in using it.
I swear people like you don't want this to end. If you're vaxxed there's no danger to you or others. It's fine to get on with your life again.
What I saw: runrunrunrunrunrunrunrunrunrunrunrunrunPOP-boinggggg-zoom-flip-flip-boom. Magical!
I’d be willing to bet none of them were buying cards for themselves, or for children they knew. Just another hobby ruined by scalpers in the great 2020/21 scalping depression.
...and none of them were children.
Being against this is being anti-feminist. If you find your body empowering, then feminism says you should be allowed to express that. We’ve just reach a point in our society where have this odd double standard: It’s good for women to express their bodies (empowerment), but bad for men to enjoy women expressing their…
Hands down the best eggs I ever ate were prepared by a great uncle. We were getting up early for a backpacking hike with some cousins. We were teens at the time. Uncle got up early and fried up a lot of bacon in the huge cast iron pan on the wood/gas fired stove at the cabin. I think is was a 18" or larger pan. Into…
I think the most disgusting thing about this whole mess is the fact that Amazon is still showing ads during her broadcast and taking all of the money. They didn’t shut off her ads. If they did that, this would be a lot less controversial. But as is, they’re literally stealing the money she’s raising.
There are plenty of them, but the niche audience is limited. People that specialize in NSFW content just want to advertise their brand on Twitch because it draws in bigger numbers due to it’s mainstream appeal. It is a contradiction of wanting mainstream numbers with content that will only appeal to a few. The goal is…
I don’t feel like content creators and companies need to make charities or public announcements about everything going on in the world. They should only do it when they want to not because they’re being called out by a group.
Unlikely; there’s always going to be a billing address unless Twitch starts accepting crypto. It’s easy to mask your location, but unless you have a valid form of payment from the desired country, they can always base the final price off your billing address and not your IP.
That said, it’s always possible they just...…
I always remind myself whenever I read a story like this that these people can vote. It makes me twitch a little.
“people are getting hurt through questionable choices involving fuel hoarding”
“Hopefully soon people won’t feel inclined to roll around with gasoline stockpiles in their cars and get into fights in fuel lines.”
Do you understand sarcasm? You’re telling me that every other slur, every single other word humans have come up with during our 200,000 year history is perfectly acceptable, but now in 2021 black people are so triggered by the word the majority of them use themselves as a term of brotherhood in daily conversation that…
Actually, I have a law degree and did internships with the Cook County DA in Illinois. I assure you I have a FAR better idea of how the criminal justice system *actually* works than you do, assuming you are not a practicing attorney (unlikely given the drivel you are spouting). The real world is not like it works on…