
I think that is the case.  The paywall.

What’s Twitter?

This guarantees I would never go there again. First, I would never pay surge pricing for food. And second, I would never take the time to see if surge pricing is in effect.

It probably isn’t a whole lot if they weren’t expecting to sell that many.

I can tell you one thing.  If they release a new gen anytime soon I will not be buying into it. It’s way too early for this to even be coming up.

This community is represented in most games now days. This is a nothing burger.

This along with reports of Microsoft destroying and getting out of physical media... I think their days of having a stand alone Xbox console are numbered. Xbox consoles have never been profitable either, apparently.

Makes sense since she was the star.

I am kind of surprised Square would bring the game to Xbox with this requirement. I guess they aren’t going to turn down money from the few dozen players this will bring in.

$3500 and Apple dictates what you can and cannot view on it...

The nice thing is you don’t have to play them if you don’t want.

I buy a lot of games right now and add them to my backlog because of the physical item that I can collect. I will buy a lot fewer games when they’re digital only as I will only buy them when I actually want to play them. The fun of collecting the item will be gone.

Imagine buying a $60+k vehicle and being stuck with the AI fad. No thanks.

Great. If companies don’t want to supply the drugs traditionally used for this at least there is a backup. Though, a bullet, hanging or electric chair would work just as well.

Black panels and no gloss whatsoever.

I agree 100%. The moment they become known for that they will lose half their audience.

Oh please...

I though they did a fine job. The show is already like 3+ hours long. I would have liked to be able to hear some of them speak longer but it would turn into a 6 hour show if they did.

Yeah, it is interesting that almost every media article about this calls it “Slim”.

I am not a fan of the glossy plastic.