I swear, this game’s just doing everything I thought about when playing FF9.
I swear, this game’s just doing everything I thought about when playing FF9.
This looks cool. Now how do I cast myself away to an alternate dimension where it isn’t being developed for phones.
Lol. No country would ever do that. No country is crazy enough
Nothing wrong with this, just so long as your Pokemon don’t break after five uses.
As someone who hasn’t played a FF game to completion, it is hilarious how much they keep milking this one game in the franchise.
Raycevick on Youtube did a really good summation just a month or so about game sizes. There’s a few different factors, but unusable 4k assets is indeed one of them, and the rest are just as unfair and bullshit
Hope Bravely Default 2 can fill that void.
Thats why I like having my Vita, 3DS, and Switch. So many great turn based RPGs to play. Hell we have Bravely Default 2 coming this friday!
So she spent multiple videos churning up likes, unnecessarily documenting every step or random thought she had, only to finally reveal - a pretty average looking basement. And as was pointed out, it contains her fuse box and water heater - things she really should have looked at before purchasing the house - and both…
Weird that when she bought the house she was never shown the fuse box.
Start/Stop technology, and the inability to permanently turn it off. You have to disable it every time you drive your car (at least on Toyotas). It is annoying as fuck and I’m not getting any better gas mileage than my old car of the same model without the “feature”.
Those YouTube thumbnails look absolutely awful.
Is looking into the camera and gaping their mouth just the way they make all Youtube thumbnails now?
Most likely a quality control issue. I wouldnt be surprised to find out that these analog control assemblies are either the same parts under the stick or share some sort of component.
what the hell is going on? Like, this didn’t happen in the 90s when thumbsticks were a new thing, why’s this happening now?
I am wildly confused by this whole situation. She says it’s been a month since she glued her hair down, but it’s still sticking flat to her head? In a month has her hair not grown at all? Has her scalp not shed any skin flakes? Shouldn’t she have a weird slick helmet on top of new growth and dandruff?
Gorilla Glue doesn’t specifically warn against hair usage.
I’m pretty tired of the 2020 memes. If you think it was hard for you then it should be sobering to know that too many poor Americans, let alone everyone else in the world, live like this every year.
If they released new model right now, it would just end up like GTX 30XX, Radeon 6XXX, XBox Series X and PS5: Vaporware with no real stock anywhere except on scalpers who sell for 500% markup.
Yep exactly. AT best we’re getting a Dsi/New 3ds model based on their past history, type of games they make, battery life for a handheld, etc.