Sid Smith

A couple years ago, I worked for a software startup with a fairly small creative team of ten, so I was both the creative director and the editorial director. We did a lifestyle/magazine website for one huge client, who paid us 7 mill, and I used my science/medical background to write a half-dozen articles that

My life kind of went to seed over the past 18 months, and with it, my ability to pay attention to media happenings, so I've never heard of this person until this year. A couple of the new grads we hired tell me that she used to star on kids' TV shows on Nickelodeon. I'm turning 35 in a month, and I although I do

I would love to see a movie about Elizabeth Warren's life. She is an honest-to-god Horatio Alger story – and she's on the far left, for real. Fascinating, brilliant woman. I hope she runs and wins in 2016.

Speaking as a survivor of over two decades of physical and mental abuse; as a person with PTSD and ADHD that has gone untreated for years thanks to draconian underwriting laws; as the wife of a man with chronic relapsing major depression – and as the daughter and granddaughter of a family full of depression, bipolar

I know entirely too many women like this in NYC. They appear to be wise beyond their years when they are in their late teens and very early 20s because their family money frees them from the do-or-die challenges and problems their peers need to tackle without complaining or showing weakness. As they go through their

Your attitude is very common. Many Americans think that people with long-term depression they cannot afford to treat, which concurrently destroys their ability to change their lives by robbing them of ambition, energy, and health – and which, not coincidentally, ensures they toil near the bottom of the socioeconomic

Is he a loser, or is he simply someone who fell to the bottom half of our economy? Don't get me wrong, his personality is lousy, and he is negative as all get-out, but he also strikes me as someone who can't do better than managing the coffee shop, and who can't afford to get his (obviously very, very serious)

ALK, I agree. I went to college at a time when tuition was very cheap, and I got my school to pay for EVERYTHING. This was in a low-COL state, in the 90s thru 2000, so it's no Manhattan c. 2013, but I was covered and didn't have to work during the school year if I didn't feel like it. Junior/senior year, I did work

Yes, but the cruel bind women are put in is that what constitutes an actualized adult woman is also what constitutes a neurotic, co-dependent adult person. Shoshannah is emblematic of that double bind, and the media never hesitates to reinforce it and sell it to women every chance they get.

I totally agree with you. In real life, I'm a Rayanne, but on Girls, I much prefer Marnie or Natalia. Marnie strikes me as someone whose intentions are good, but who has an intense anxiety disorder, and who struggles with social interactions. At times, she literally does not understand how badly she is coming across.

I applaud you for recognizing that Shoshanna is not necessarily acting in a healthy or actualized way. Well-said.

I disagree. Jessa worked her way through Europe as a nanny/au pair. I come from blue-collar working people, and my grandmothers both did this work. It is hard fucking work, and while you can get by doing it, you will not get rich. She also works as an au pair in NYC while Lena's obnoxious character is flitting about

I totally agree re: "can't stand Shoshanna. Let's not kid ourselves about who is creating this series: a member of the 0.1% – and incidentally, it is being acted out, promoted, greenlighted, and produced by members of the 0.1%. David Mamet is a wealthy, famous playwright and movie producer who helped contribute to the

I have taken into consideration that my age and station in life prevent me from enjoying this show, for sure. I was born in 1978, and I've actually never had trouble finding a job until this past year. Ironically, my age and previous experience are proving to be barriers, but in the OPPOSITE way that new grads' are.

Ah, the classic "You don't want to be friends with me? That's awesome, because I don't want to be friends with YOU!" retort.

I heard about that and it made me think of Layne Staley (ex-Alice in Chains), who died over 12 years ago alone in his condo and wasn't found for nearly 3 weeks. He was an addict though, and addiction to anything – alcohol, heroin, debt, hoarding – makes you reclusive. In the past, I've had problems with alcohol and

Absolutely. I take after my father in that I don't go out of my way to make friends, and I don't do much to maintain the friendships. I could be perfectly happy without people around, except for my husband. I don't have friends per se, really; I have acquaintances. When I socialize, I go out to the clubs or bars or I

Two more: and

p.s. Here's one I just made:

There's a popular GGG right now that says "You treat her like shit/She walks out" – aka the OPPOSITE of a doormat. So someone, or many someones is on this. Keep 'em coming.