Can you medicate yourself? Get your regular doc to prescribe you an anti anxiety drug just for that? I did that once for a dental procedure. I may have taken a little more than advisable, but it was very helpful.
Can you medicate yourself? Get your regular doc to prescribe you an anti anxiety drug just for that? I did that once for a dental procedure. I may have taken a little more than advisable, but it was very helpful.
I was in pain, and crazy uncomfortable, but goddamn it, I wanted the IUD. After the 5th attempt, (I might have gotten teary, because sweet Jesus that hurt), they said they could just do the arm implant. I went for it. Painless. (They said the numbing agent might hurt. Nope.)
I had two medical professionals try a total of five times to insert an IUD. Failed. Too tight. I have the arm implant. Wish I had the hormones. Oh well.
Three Olives Loopy? It’s too sweet for me, but I’ll be damned if it doesn’t taste just like fruit loops.
I peaked at, like, 8 or 9 years old. I was medusa. I wore a toga, (obvs), and my mom braided my hair into tiny braids. She attached little plastic snakes to each braid. I had a big plastic snake coiled around my neck, and kohl eyeliner. I want to be that every year now,but never dress up. Alas.
Bravo, Run For Cover, for responding to this immediately and without and bullshit.
I don’t know how to quote things, but society, in general, sends a message to young girls that ‘they’re not good enough.’
My sister and BIL serve my niece whatever they eat. The kid is now in 3rd grade. She loves crab, all kinds of vegetables, truffles, pho, etc. My sister would never enable that kind of crap. (Probably helps that she went to culinary school, and is now a somm.)
I didn't recognize you, lamp.
It’s Sunday morning, but my dinner was really good, so I’m sharing anyways. I had a black bean burger with sautéed mushrooms and bacon, with a side of black truffled freshly made potato chips. I also have no will power. I drank it with cocobon red blend wine. It’s cheap, ($6.99 where I shop), but really pretty decent!…
I'm 37 and can't remember to water plants. I'm at least adult enough to know not to buy plants?
Police think she was under th influence of something... You think?? Good job, law enforcement.
*are diminishing returns....
Thank you. 25 years later, the memory is still painful. When I played rugby, my teammates would tease me about my frequent reapplication of sunblock, but they didn't understand!! Sun burns are no joke. In all honesty, I probably had a something-degree burn/poisoning that should have had medical attention. Anyways.…
The Graham Norton show seems really solid. Every clip I've seen has been A+
When I was maybe 12(?) I took a surfing lesson. I was out, surfing, for 3 hours. I did not reapply sunblock. I got a severe burn on my back. I left a layer of skin in the cab I took with my fan to the hotel. Ice stuck to my back. I sobbed for about 2 days, was in pain for many more. Beheadings are more permanent, but…
She is smart, hilarious, insightful, etc. Also, gorgeous. I can't be mad at you.
Starred because yes.
The chick that wrote that “famous” email about that played on my old rugby team for about 10 minutes. She was picked up by the cops the night before a game, (DUI or public drunkeness, if I recall), and called multiple teammates around 3am. She also had a habit of dashing out of cabs without paying the fare. Charming…