

Jez book club? I'll definitely read the book. Am currently drinking wine. So... Halfway there?

I kind of want to take that test, while at the same time, I don't.

I like black coffee, tonic water, celery, IPA beer, etc. I don’t really like sweets. (But my love of wine and beer ensures my caloric overload, so I’m not claiming any sort of weird dietary superiority. Because that’s crazy.)

You are tearing me apart Lisa!!

I am good at catching jokes in real life. Sigh. Internets. :-/

Class of 1996, what’s up?

Why is that weird? The driver had no knowledge of the crime, and simply responded to a pick up request.

I once had a gun pulled on me. I didn’t have a purse on me. I had my ID and bank card in my back pocket. I am have gotten sassy when they demanded “my shit,” and said something like, “do you see a purse?” I gave them nothing. My male friend? Not so lucky.

It probably won’t help with conceiving, but probably with your immune system? I have sex with teh mens, but I'd be willing to bet it's the orgasm, not the semen that is magic? I could be wrong though. I'm not sciencing here, just speculating.

Hue are the best!! In addition to the regular opaque ones, the micro mesh are phenomenal. They are basically super classy fishnets, but not fishnets. They look and feel great. They don't last as long as the opaque, but your legs look and feel fantastic.

Hue are the best!! In addition to the regular opaque ones, the micro mesh are phenomenal. They are basically super

I’m really, really good at orgasming. But I’m not having regular sex*. It’s tragic. I’ll probably die of the flu this winter.