
You never know.

I’m a little surprised by Dan’s advice for the first letter writer. It’s been my (limited) experience that people who hide something like a long-term sexting relationship are usually doing it with multiple people and/or the desire escalates into more serious breaches of the marital agreement.

Seven years ago, conservatives were the type that wanted Mitch Romney as president.  I think it’s fair to assume that some things may have changed.

Good for you guys. Truly.

Oh Mark’d Mike, as soon as you saw that you counter programming to the #MarchForOurLives, your ass should have been on the ‘Gram, back peddling hard against your BS (not Bernie Sanders) commentary. Real friends don’t set up friends to come off as insensitive assholes unless they’re out to get theirs and cares not

“Progressives” who call Trump and Hillary the same thing are too ignorant to be worthy of the name.

Killer Mike is progressive? My ass. Progressives don’t scream that Trump and Hillary are the same thing, or his far right anti-gun reform opinions (which, he’s always held. The video didn’t demonstrate anything new).

Complete B.S. I used to be a big Killer Mike fan, but he’s lost a lot of credibility here. His apology just makes it worse. He did this interview a week ago. It was an interview with the NRA where he agreed almost 100% with the NRA spokesperson. He openly belittled the NeverAgain movement. This isn’t a reframing of an

I mean he got branded a nutjob because he talked to a chair on live TV and called millenials “the pussy generation”

I actually thought this was a season highlight, and maybe even a show highlight. The simplicity of the narrative (and lack of heavy-handed moralising) was really refreshing, and the b/w cinematography was stunning. It’s a shame the season didn’t end here.

This man fascinates me. He went from the On Deadly Ground environmental activism (holy shit that ending monologue was glorious in the most awful way) to shilling for 45 and Putin, who are essentially villains from a particularly bad episode of Captain Planet. But there’s no sign of the dissonance embolism such a move

Yes, the Roy Moore lady on CNN was a piece of work.

Angry racist white women upset their dating pool is limited to angry racist bitter white guys.

It’s fascinating how many letter writers talk themselves right up to the brink of the obvious but then ask Dan to push them the last half-step.

“She doesn’t want to have sex with me, she’s not in love with me, and we’re mostly together because of her fear of being alone. What should I do?”

“I work with this guy, he’s a

I haven’t listened to Democracy Now in a while, but I have to assume Amy Goodman must be kicking herself for performing as Julien Assange’s dancing monkey for years. 

Is that you, Progressive Liberal?

Maybe it’s because I have a degree in compsci and math, but I was really hoping this article would end with an actual number (“7 times per month”) based on the headline instead of a big wishy-washy “It depends”

She’s a fucking asshole. I’m sorry for her own mental health, but that doesn’t excuse all the horrible things she did.