They eat Apple up 1) because it’s a status symbol, and 2) because there’s no real domestic competitor. Sony Ericsson is the only Japanese phone maker that ever really had any market share, and they’re all but extinct at this point.
They eat Apple up 1) because it’s a status symbol, and 2) because there’s no real domestic competitor. Sony Ericsson is the only Japanese phone maker that ever really had any market share, and they’re all but extinct at this point.
wait... does this mean shorter elevator rides :)
Gettin’ real fucking tired of this no Android shit.
Amazon's running another one of their signature Android app giveaways, highlighted this time around by the likes…
OMG...this image is everything.
Revenge fantasies for monstrous people are natural, but shouldn't be within the scope of the law.
Yup. If a diet requires eliminating an entire food group, it's bullshit. OH WORD? BREAD IS POISON? Maybe tell that to the hundreds of generations of people who have survived on it since the dawn of agriculture. Also make sure to tell modern civilization that it exists thanks to poison. Now go die and let me eat my…
If you want to follow a fad diet yourself, fine, whatever, it's your choice. But if you are feeding your infant a fad diet you really need a kick in the ass. And yes, "paleo" is a fad diet.
Last time I saw Jon Stewart kick anybody that hard in the dick, it was Tucker Carlson on Crossfire.
*kinja gawker commenter instruction manual.
I. "Hey Anna, do you like pizza?" I was just sitting down to dinner one evening this past November when I looked…
I've been trying to drive up the numbers for "bonermania" for a while now. C'mon people! Together we can get bonermania the recognition it deserves!
This still boggles me.
I remember the first time I figured out I could not only change my laser shot pattern, but also the orientation of my shields I was speechless for the next fifteen minutes. Then I found out you could change the Engines/Lasers/Shields levels, and wondered if I'd somehow peeked behind the curtain and seen the face of…
Yes, because like 999 out of 1,000* video games have all-male or heavily male-dominated casts of characters, like 10 male characters and 1 or 2 female characters. Calm yourself manchild, I promise we women will be benevolent overlords.
Red Wings fan here. Take it from me — when you start complaining that a team that's up on you in a first-round series is getting the better of the officiating and getting away with overly physical and sometimes dirty play — that's nothing more than sour grapes.
Hey, if you want to throw away the series trying to do things you're not as good at, your loss.
Tom, I'm afraid you've been hoodwinked: this is viral marketing for Bud Light Lime Straw-Ber-Rita.
you're clearly not a hockey fan.