I tried the Devils logo complete with a "New ______" to try and get someone to guess "JERSEY."
I tried the Devils logo complete with a "New ______" to try and get someone to guess "JERSEY."
So a character with a south-Asian name, originally portrayed by a Spanish actor, has been rebooted with a white actor instead? I am honestly not sure who is supposed to be upset here? Is it overlooked Spanish actors who can "pass for south-Asian?"
Poe's Law, exhibit A.
Google image search of the picture - first link answers questions 1, 2, and 4. Google author names with "history of games football", link to Wikipedia answers question 3.
Not sure what the complaining is about here. Lots of consumer goods are sold like this. Small down payment plus a manageable monthly cost. You guys tallying up the retail cost of these items are missing the point.
Adding pre-processors to the neutrino counters boosted efficiency by eleven percent.
That's for sure.
Nicely done.
But then you'll never know if your lady loves you, or your worms. It's just too risky, my friend.
Seriously, don't eat hot dogs from gas stations.
There's a chapter in Freakonomics that talks about how people behave better if they believe they are being watched. It doesn't matter if the "watcher" is a god or a police officer - in fact, if memory serves they even demonstrated the watcher effect with a pair of eyes drawn on a sheet of paper.
Yeah, you really dodged a bullet there Jeremy/Dustin. Who could have imagined that the girl willing to fuck you on date #2 might have had a few guys over before you?
A long time ago a friend sent me a link to a website that wrote up a word like this every day. Does anyone know the site I mean, or if it is still around?
This is great.
I know UFC isn't a verb - just being a little facetious.
Watch this in slow motion.
Yup... and now that he's all bloodied up, his night is over. He doesn't UFC for another 3 hours.
Did you even read the link I sent you? Seems like no.
Think of it like performance art.