
Nope. I like Hoechlin as Superman better and think that the SUPERGIRL writing staff has really done him and the character a disservice by constantly undermining him and having him say practically every episode he appears in in one way or another: “You’re better than me Kara.”

He said it in an email in Season 1 when

If this were another company, i would say the deal Ollie made with the Monitor involved erasing his marriage.

The season three premiere of Arrow leaned into Ollicity and murdered Sara Lance.

Felicity used to be the spunky and hilarious brains of Team Arrow.

or Oliver-Thea

I watch Arrow *despite* Felicity at this point. Yeesh.

My biggest disappointment was that 90's Flash didn’t really have much to do. Hopefully we’ll see him get a bigger role in Crisis. Also, should have realized earlier that the gold mask patient at Arkham was Psycho-Pirate: BIG figure in the comic Crisis storyline

My take from all this is that I would actually rather have a Superman show then a Batwoman show. Tyler Hoechlin is so good in the role.

I think the Custodians of the Chronology opening was less of a riff on Guardians of the Galaxy and more on 80s action shows like The A-Team. I love fake credit sequences though, so this episode ruled.

So... am i the only one who finds Maisie Richardson-Sellers like 10x more attractive as Charlie? is it the hair? the attitude? My increasingly loneliness? 

No, it doesn’t. Here’s Nia’s line to Kara: “once in a generation some of our women get this genetic oneiromancy.” It’s specifically genetic and particular to women, which means Nia can’t have it because her genetic inheritance is male.

The writers did a shitty job with Nia’s dialogue about her powers and them only affecting certain women in her planet. That’s the product of cisgender writers being out of their depth and Nicole being so new to acting she doesn’t want to rock the boat.

The whole Nia is an alien and also trans was not handled well because of the sped up storytelling that had to happen. The writers did a horrible job with how Nia explained things to Kara and Brainy.

I haven’t watched the show since season two. But this “Brainy” everyone is referring to, is this, by any chance, Brainiac 5 from the 31st century and a member of the Legion of Super-heroes?

Not that there can’t be transgendered aliens, but I also feel like that would’ve been more effective if she was human. Especially as the basis of her standing-up-to-hate that we saw earlier this season.

I think Supergirl really needs some big, superpowered enemies who AREN’T aliens.

So Nia is transgendered AND an alien? Do we even know what the genders of Naltor are?

- Even with a roommate, Nia shouldn’t be able to afford that flat.
- Is that “North by Northwest”? Is there some commentary there?
- Interesting. Lockwood is both the IRA and Sinn Fein. And for now he wants to let Sinn Fein do it’s work. He, and by extention the writers, are doing good.
- Yeah, that grungy layer

Earth-90...I get the nod to the old Flash series, but have we abandoned the notion of 52 Earths?

We talk about how every week that Lena must know that Kara is Supergirl, but here’s the thing, she’s not wearing a mask, so her face is readily viewable for all to see. And on the other side of thing Kara Danvers is an (allegedly) well known journalist whose face is next to every byline of hers. So basically what I’m

I’m relieved that they didn’t drag out the Ben Lockedwood-is-Agent-Liberty reveal any longer. In fact this was the perfect time to do it, and I appreciated the show using it specifically as a pivot point for the season.