
Last Renaissance Fair episode I saw was on Gilmore Girls, hopefully this one will be just as crazy as that one was!

During the stadium fight, why did Barry start running backwards so Nora could catch him? Did I miss something?

I’m glad I wasn’t the only one, had to rewatch the scene once to make sure it wasn’t him.

Wonder where they’re going to take the League from here

Its interesting enough to stick around for now. That Zod fight was pretty sweet.

I know Rene picked up an axe to fight Oliver with, and it looked like he was swinging it with killing intent, but a bit earlier, Oliver literally shot Curtis a few times with his bow, if Curtis’s T-Sphere’s weren’t there, he’d be dead.

So is Darkh’s totem going to be the mysterious sixth totem ?

“I am the law” just reminds me of that terrible Judge Dredd movie with Stalone.

You're right, I guess I just didn't see it until now.

Jaime looked like Charming from Shrek riding the horse at the end.


I really hope that the Kurt Angle's secret has something to do with Scott Steiner, I don't care if it doesn't make sense. We had Angle and Somoa Joe in the ring at the same time, and all I could think about was that Steiner should be there.

That makes sense, thanks !

I must have missed something, and while it was a great match, why did AJ or Chad have to win a match to qualify for the Battle Royale when we literally see Zack Ryder say that he just asked and got both himself and Mojo in? Especially when Jason Jordan was in the match automatically.

No mention of the Oscar worthy performance by Goldust ?

Glad to see Bo and Curtis getting something to do.
The Titus Brand was featured twice tonight, which is always good.

We need more Big John Cub.
How did Neville get the jobber entrance?
The Titus Brand stuff has been my jam for the past few weeks, but they need an opponent other than Kalisto.
I'm enjoying the Goldust / R-Truth stuff, but they really need to have a match, can't be doing video back and forths until Great Balls of Fire.

I'd buy anything Lana was selling if she wore that dress.
Jinder's new entrance looked pretty cool, followed by a meh match, and a pretty good promo.
The tag teams have been doing pretty well lately, led by the amazing Fashion Police.

I need more Gus in my life

So who did hire that bear ?
And did Angle actually go three hours without saying "its true, its damn true" ?