
Quentin I think successfully lobbied Ollie in particular to give Earth 2 Laurel a chance at a fresh start. I personally am glad for it, both because it fits the show’s quest for redemption focus, and because Katie Cassidy Rogers (as she is now billed since her recent marriage) is so much more fun as the semi-reformed

Curtis’s “death” actually did fake me out. I don’t usually watch the trailers or pay attention to the ads, so a trailer could say “All of Team Arrow Dies, We’re Not Faking It” and I’d miss it. Well done, cast and crew!

Two things:

Yay China White! Boo not enough China White!

So I am to understand that an expert in the nebulous field of dream interpretation — chock full of symbolism, vagueness, and misleading details —never once considered the possibility that her indistinct vision of a daughter with the powers, could be either daughter?

That’s not entirely accurate. For example, if the trait is recessive, she’d need two genes, one from her father and one from her mother, to inherit the trait. Further, if it’s a sex linked trait, like color blindness, she could only inherit it from her mother. In addition, they didn’t say only one. They said at most

If they are biological and only women get them, then she wouldn’t regardless of her subjective gender. That’s science.

I sincerely hope you don’t ignore this just because I’m grey.

Ugh, really? A B+? I seriously miss user grades (amongst other things) here...

I know it is out of vogue to accept this fact, but you need to be born a certain way, biologically, to become pregnant and give birth.

If that’s the case, then why tie it into gender? Under that scenario, she would have gotten the powers regardless if she transitioned or not, since her DNA is still male. Then why not tie the dream powers into her bloodline instead and have the trans stuff be a lifestyle choice? Tying her powers in with her transition

So I guess Alex and Maeve are turning heel in the future? The former with the military and the latter with the Sons of Liberty.

Do you suppose those five agents were the only ones who knew her identity because so many people die while working for the DEO?

The first season when they tried to play it straight as a police procedural/soap opera centered around Gordon and Bullock with Bruce on the side was terrible. It was when they introduced the first Joker and let it loose with the villains is when it became more entertaining, interesting, and fun. They even changed the

It’s hard to recommend this show to someone. One of my friends is a comic fan and he despises the show and the bits he’s seen. Meanwhile I’m grinning ear to ear explaining to him that Butch from season one was really named Cyrus Gold so he was really Grundy this whole time and after dying he was re-animated and is now

Better Call Saul is quite good! Although the Mike & Gus cartel stuff is the least interesting part (even with Mike dealing with those two German workers).

In this universe it’s no wonder Batman was successful, when he is in his physical prime, he’s beating up on a lot of late middle-age people. 

I just cannot get my brain around the timeline this show presents... Because as I remember, a lot of these villains didn’t really exist until Batman came about. Certainly the Penguin and probably Catwoman but not Scarecrow or the Riddler. As a matter of fact, I remember Frank Miller (Before he turned into a racist and

The only times this show works is when it fully embraces the chaos and insanity of some charismatic villain performances. This unfortunately means that the show always either drags villainous schemes out to extreme lengths or drowns in kitschy chaos. I actually like what they've done with the Bruce and Alfred dynamic

[“Beat It” plays over whatever the hell is happening in that top image]