
Not going to lie, I wanted Lena and Mon El to get married. I think its a bit far fetched that Rhea would be so rattled about Cat's speech that she would just halt the ceremony. Could have went into season three with Kara's boyfriend being married to her best friend.

Powerless had one of the coolest intros that I've ever seen.

Enjoyed this much more than the past two episodes, although both the Prometheus fight and the Cody Rhodes fight were a bit of a let down.

We need a Kevin Owens / Jinder Mahal argument where they both speak French and Punjabi respectively.

Caitlin was chilling in Star Labs for half the episode, but didn't kill Tracy, who she was trying to kill last week. Its not like Team Flash would hide her any other place, and neither Wally or Barry had their powers to stop her.

James and Winn are my favourite characters, so it was nice to get a James centric episode after hes been neglected for most of the season.

Im not going to lie, a part of me actually thought that the Golden Truth was going to win, but it really did show how Cesaro and Shaemus are coming along as heels.

So is William being set up to be the "Damian Wayne" to Oliver's Green Arrow / Batman?

Thats true, maybe we could have gotten a Bad Fitz / Bad Mack team up in season four then.

That actually is a better idea.

That actually might be it lol.

I mean, he could have definitely picked someone worse to emulate.

Jinder got a solid win, Aiden English was enjoyable, the Fashion Files was great. Dolph and Sin Cara had a pretty decent match, but Dolph needs a new finisher. The Zig Zag was weird, but it was at least different, but the super kick is used by pretty much every other person.

Not sure if it was brought up yet, but why didn't Skye just lie to Mack and say that Hope was alive in the real world as well?

I don't mind that they combined the Future Flash and Savitar, I just think they took way too long with the reveal.

You are currently in jail, and really showing no remorse for killing two people, and your son has kidnapped a (federal?) agent to use as blackmail for your release. Hes booby trapped it to kill her in 36 hours if you aren't released. But the talk about him being a murderer and the power of love convinces you to give

I'm strangely looking forward to the Golden Truth having a strong showing next week, although I highly doubt they'll win.
It sounded like Apollo Crews was getting some boos this week, so maybe this partnership with the Titus Brand is actually working.

That also makes sense,

I think in one of the previous episodes they mentioned that they were rubber bullets.

73-9 actually, but yep, meaningless without the ring.