
I liked this episode, but I did think it was a slight step down from the past few episodes before the break. One very slight issue I had was I know Rene was dealing with his daughter, which is a huge deal, but I thought he would have still been brought into help defend Argus.

Was Wally catatonic because of who Savitar really was, or because he got the speed force sucked out of him, kind of like what happened to Inertia.

I would like that, it would actually give her something to do instead of lose, and she has history with both Tyler Breeze and Fandango.

Yeah, I wouldn't mind a rewrite of the past few months to fix some things.

Fandango has been using the Falcon Arrow for a while, and never got a three count with it, but apparently its his finisher now?

I did not know that. I guess Bray doesn't want to use his rematch clause.

So since Jinder has the title, is the Wyatt/Orton match a non title? Randy won't be walking out with it at Payback, and if Bray wins he won't physically receive it.

Oh man, I remember that fight, took me a while to figure what to do.

Nice to see James back and doing something, although I'm not really sure what he did. What is actually the point of Lyra? All she does is make out with Winn.

Are they finally going to do something with the "Titus Brand"?

Was May not exposed to the Terrigen mist at the end? So shouldn't she be dead?

I cannot believe that Jinder Mahal is the number one contender, I doubt he wins, but its exciting to see him at the main event level. I couldn't watch Smackdown last night because they were showing a hockey game instead, but I'm looking forward to seeing it tonight.

Everything has probably been said by now, so I will just say Gustavo <3

Referees are such fragile creatures, being accidentally hit leaves them on the floor for about ten minutes, so this ref falling out of the ring must have put him into a coma.

Come on UCE, we need to score this goal.
You think you're playing against paranoia? No, its the USO's.

Lol I see.

Aida is ten steps ahead, and SHIELD doesn't even know what game their playing yet !

I haven't watched very much NXT, but doesn't AJ do Tye Dillinger's finishing move as regular move?

Second week in a row my boy Jinder dominated someone in the upper midcard only to get hit by two moves and lose. Don't Hinder Jinder ! Although it is nice to see him getting some solid action.

Does Mike ever sleep? I'm pretty sure he could do all nighters consecutively.