A good bartender in YOUR opinion. As a manager I want all my employees to toe the party line
A good bartender in YOUR opinion. As a manager I want all my employees to toe the party line
To me expecting a corporation do make a conscientious protest is a lot like expecting milk to come out of a bull. You can make the motion but what comes out is not going to be what you were hoping for
Gate decks can die too, because there’s basically only one gate deck and the strategy is effectively premade for it
It’s tedious to play against, and there are basically only two mill deck types out there anyways. And it takes foreeeeverrrr
Americans are so ignorant of cheese, it’s like the allegory of the cave. Go to France. End of debate.
So we’re refusing to accept that this gesture, which has been around at least as long as I have, might have other meanings?
2k a month on electricity is believable. High, but believable
The tabouleh pictured has a terrible ratio of parsley to bulgur. I would not enjoy eating that. Way too much bulgur, not enough parsley
It showed graphic depictions of sex featuring characters who are supposed to be minors. If you don’t see how that might be upsetting to a lot of people, you should work on your sense of empathy.
Hermione, Ginny, Cho, hell, all the Harry Potter characters are supposed to be underage. You really should have taken that into consideration before showing those images in the article. Obviously they’re fictional characters and these are computer-generated images, but I find it odd that you didn’t think anybody…
A stereo system on a horse-drawn vehicle? Were they Amish or hipsters trying to be ironic?
Yes, I do, but evolution of the use of the word karma is a much better example
language is descriptivist
Customers are horrible
I don’t understand the joke. Are 3rd party delivery apps supposed to control for food quality, is that the joke? Does it reflect poorly on me if that doesn’t make me laugh?
All alcohol at a restaurant is a ripoff. Even the labor costs are stupid low because it’s served by tipped employees. We mark that shit up to the max. Even happy hour prices work heavily in our favor.
Maybe you take internet comment sections too seriously?
Actually, most dealers want you to win. They’ll even advise you on the best strategies.
Vote for politicians who are committed to raising the minimum wage, supporting unions, and bringing back a more progressive tax policy.
I know... writing that post I was slowly coming to the same conclusion. Always fucking tip, if only to fight poverty... goddamit tho I still hate bathrooms with attendants