Edgar Allan Bro

I never tip the washroom attendant, if only because I never agreed to his presence and honestly would be more comfortable if there were no washroom attendant. Point me to a washroom without an attendant, instead. I will tip you out if you point me to a washroom without an attendant.

Don’t be this extra, people...

So basically a list of restaurants to avoid...

Give it time, buddy.  We’ll automate it

My prediction is that it’ll be lazy and dumbed down, like how Inquisition compares to the original Dragon Age. The remaster failed to restore the projectile weapons to what they used to be, so I wouldn’t be surprised to see more “streamlining” in that vein

It’s challenging to misconstrue “I like your dress”

I put 550 hours in Crusader Kings back before when I was unemployed, loved every single minute of it. But I just don’t have the energy for it now...

If you win your case it becomes a logical paradox...

Turn it into a fez-style tagine by dunking the chicken in the deep fryer afterwards

At smaller restaurants the free food is mostly uncontrolled, as long as you’re eating something there’s a lot of.  Bigger restaurants the cooks might look the other way if you have a good relationship with them

They didn’t put this much work into the actual model they used for the movie...

I don’t drink my red wine at room temperature because room temperature in my apartment is at least eighty degrees if I don’t want to pay an astronomical AC bill

I liked how the old look gave me music maps and weather on the same screen

I don’t watch no teevee

Or when they ask for water with extra lemon and sugar packets... some people are pure trash

He didn’t wash his hands after handling raw egg and he’s audibly scratching his teflon pan.

I’m a clumsy motherfucker and I’ve broken so much shit but never once have I been charged for it

Let me know when they make one without cream and sugar for the real coffee drinkers

Cars don’t need to go much faster than 75 miles per hour, given that that’s the highest speed limit most people regularly experience (and my commute is capped at 65mph anyways).  What a waste.

The owner doesn’t care if customers come at the last minute, it’s money in his pocket. Closing times are an owner vs. staff issue