
Yeah, that would be the worst thing ever.


Same. The only thing I really liked about it was T'Challa, and now I'm pleased that I'll be able to enjoy the Black Panther movie in February. I love Winter Soldier and have seen it probably a dozen times, but CW? Saw it once in the theater, and that's it. I was just so disappointed by it.

I haven't seen it. I never cared about Spider-Man to start with, but then seeing Iron Man in all the promo stuff just made me feel really tired.

Black Panther and Thor 3 are the only Marvel movies I give a shit about. I'll eventually get around to watching the others, probably, when they come on Netflix, but I still haven't seen GotG2 and I don't care if I do. I'm just bored. I'm so fucking bored, man.

The Sharon thing wasn't the only thing that sucked about it. I don't think it was a good movie in general. And I'm still irritated as fuck that a movie with Captain America's name in it was still mostly focused on Iron Man. I'm sick of Robert Downey Jr shoehorning his annoying ass into everything.

Nah, it's way worse designed than that. Looks like Animorphs fanart on Deviant Art circa 2002.

"Worth every frame"? Yeah, that awkward scene of what's her name and Cap "kissing" after Peggy's funeral was sure worth the price of admission.

What a shame. Francois Arnaud is so hot that he should be legally classified as a weapon. He deserves better than this.

This really was quite lovely. Four for you, Catalano.

I really like their sea salt caramel flavor a lot. Yes, there's better gelato to be had elsewhere - I've had better, too - but it's more easily accessible to me, and it tastes better than general ice cream from the supermarket.

The Hokey Pokey is only acceptable if you are at Skateland and it's the end of the evening.

He sounds fun. (Not sarcasm. I mean this.)

I have a really bad feeling about who it might be. The suspense is killing me!

I used to work close to the McCormick factory. On days when they were manufacturing cinnamon or vanilla or allspice, it was lovely.

Uh huh. Next.

It's "Ee-dee's", not "Eddie's". Sheesh. It's the same as Dreyer's out west, just with a different name.

Not yet!

Ladies and gentlemen, take my advice, pull down your pants and slide on the Spice.

Christmas in July really IS a miracle!