
I'm seein' double! Four Sean O'Neals!

I literally burst out laughing when I saw the headline pop up on my blog feed. And then I laughed even more reading this article.

There's a pub in Dublin called The Hairy Lemon and I have a photo of myself grinning very proudly in front of it.

This is a post about race relations in America that Game of Thrones was brought into by you and others, so I called your bluff. You always seem to worm your way into posts about American race relations whether or not they have anything to do with you or not. You're just mad I called you racist and that you don't know

Nope, I don't feel bad. Because every time there's a post like this, here you are defending nonsense and then calling female commenters "hysterical" and "screeching" when they call you out on it, because you just can't help being a misogynist dickhole. What you've said here is untrue, and yes, racist. I find it almost

I have never been more relieved than I was when I found out my friends were going to play a selection of Frank Sinatra and Dean Martin during dinner at their reception and that every single conceivable variation of these forced dances had been put at the top of their banned song list for the DJ. Probably the best

Oh my god. I'm so done. I don't have the mental capacity right now or the time to break down to you why you're so insanely fucking wrong. Just. Enjoy your weird little fantasy world where everything is exactly as you think it ought to be. I don't know why I ever bother talking to you when you pull this racist shit all

A shrimp po' boy on a cheddar biscuit oh my goddddddddddd

I don't even think about you, let alone worry about you.

It's hilarious to me to see Gen-Xers melting down over how entitled millennials are when they spent the 90s embracing their own slacker reputation.

I was just about to retort that they were the ones putting everything in mayonnaise and aspic, but then I remembered that's actually our grandparents. My parents are Boomers who don't like chain restaurants and brought home sushi in the early 90s before it was ubiquitous, so you're probably right.

I was supposed to have a date last night but we rescheduled because it's insanely hot and humid (the heat index is like 100F by 10 AM) and we were both pretty wiped out from that, plus we didn't want to subject her guide dog to it. She's leaving for the UK for 2 weeks today to visit her sister, so at least I have

It's not our fault we like to eat actual food.

I'm sure that she did.

Ms. Marvel #20 - Poor Aamir! I really love how G. Willow Wilson has fleshed him out from his initial appearance, where he seemed like he existed just to be a hyper-religious drag on Kamala's fun. He's very three-dimensional and I appreciate how intelligent and perceptive he is, just like his sister.

Jesus, that's terrible. I'm so sorry to hear it.

Ah yes. That's the reason. Not having to stare at giant subway ads depicting swastika flags flying over New York City!

You're still trying to argue that a fictional show with fucking dragons in it has verisimilitude of any kind, so who's inane and simplistic now?

Nah, it's just Sallie Mae's got us by the collective balls so we can't even afford the fucking avocado toast.

There are literally mentions in ancient Greek literature about how much the kids of today are lazy bums who don't care about anything important. None of this is new.