
I loved Night Court when I was a kid, and have caught some reruns as an adult. It holds up. He is the beating heart of that show. Bull, Dan, Ros, Christine, Mack, and others were great characters, but Harry Anderson grounded it, with his own sharp humor. Harry, Mel Torme, and corny magic tricks. 65 is far too young. I

Now having finished reading the article, I will say that even though I have always and still think Mario Batali is a supercilious jerk, as sexual harassment apologies go this one is pretty well done. No victim blaming. No “that’s not indicative of who I am as a person.” No multiple mentions of how much he is admired.

If random acts of violence are the only thing that makes your music experience fun and exciting, you’re listening to the wrong artists. I’d be happy to make some recommendations.

Jesus Christ, between him and Jesse Hughes, Axl Rose seems like Tom fucking Hanks these days.

Queens of the Stone Age suck. There, I said, they suck and I’ve never liked their music; I don’t get why people like Queens of the Stone Age. Josh Homme especially sucks as a person, fuck him.

Yes, you actually ARE trying to be a dick. AND YOU ARE SUCCEEDING!

I imagine it’s at the discretion of the editors/writers. Considering Trump has shit the bed well and truly with regards to a soldier’s mourning wife this week, it makes sense to check in with the gold star family that the orange shitbag insulted during his campaign.

It infuriates me. I’m involved with comic book fandoms more so than anything else, and good god. Like how can you claim to like characters that fight to protect people and preserve life and still be such a shitty person? How can you claim to love the X-Men while not realizing that YOU WOULD BE A VILLAIN IN THOSE

I’ve been saying this for years: Fuck fans. You don’t own shit, you didn’t do shit, you’re just a customer. You don’t like the product anymore, go shop somewhere else. You’re not entitled to a goddamn thing.

And the only thing I can say is if you’re lucky enough to make a show that is really good that people like, that means some bad people are going to like it too.

I really like the show, but its fandom is one of the worst I’ve ever seen. A bunch of people seem to think that the show endorses Rick’s behavior and philosophy, it realllllly doesn’t.

Rick and Morty fans are almost as bad as South Park fans.

Jesus Tapdancing Christ! The women who write the show these fuckheads love so much are getting harassed & doxxed for writing the show these fuckheads love so much. That is android head-exploding levels of irrationality.

Booze Thread